I have to say, coming in, I did not know how I was going to feel about teaching twenty 4 year olds. The teaching aspect I find to be more challenging because the children know very little. I look at it as a blank canvas. haha It's so exciting to teach colors and letters and watching them understand concepts. I have to say though, I absolutely love listening to them talk. They say some of the silliest things not knowing they are being silly. It's funny how they don't understand that I have a first name or that I don't live at school. There is a little boy with my maiden name in the class. I told him that Cox used to be my last name and one of the kids stood up and asked, "Your name used to be Mrs. Talty Cox? They are also curious about my mommy. "Your mommy at work?" "Is she going to pick you up?" I have one that asks me a billion questions a day. " Why you wear that, Mrs. Talty, Why you have a watch on, Why you eat that?" I do make my students speak in complete sentences which is working out better than I thought it would. I do correct them a lot. A lot of them have never been in a structured setting or a setting in general where they have to follow rules and procedures. The first few weeks were hard on some of them as well as ME! All the crying for mommy about drove me insane! But now they have totally fallen into routine and do so wonderfully! I stress independence as much as possible and give the kids responsibilities in the classroom. Putting their book bags away, making their lunch choice, classroom jobs, etc. I told them Brendan loves cookies and now they refer to him as the Cookie Monster. Anywho, this was just kind of a brag on how well my kids are doing! I am very proud of them for learning so quickly. 4 year olds are so much fun to teach because they really want to learn! Also, they are just so tiny and say the sweetest things. I get "I love you's" every day! What an awesome job I have!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Happy Birthday Daddy!
It’s not actually today but Wednesday, September 29. I’m not sure how Wednesday is going to go for myself or my family. I do ask that you keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we remember him daily but especially on his Birthday. It’s still so incredibly hard to believe and sometimes even to still deal with. I use the words deal with because it’s dealt with almost on a daily basis coming to terms with everything. Things have gotten better: I don’t cry as often or expect him to call as much as I used to but I still have my moments where it’s just not real to me. It amazes me that I still look for missed calls/texts/voicemails on my phone from him knowing that they are not going to be there but still expecting them.
So on this day, my dad gets to celebrate with the One who created him and I couldn’t imagine a more divine birthday party than the one my dad is having. I love and miss him dearly!
Happy Birthday Papa Smurf!
Love always,
Your little Smurfette!
Posted by Jenn at 6:24 PM 1 comments
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Fall means…
Grey’s Anatomy Returns
Corn Mazes!
Halloween ( Seriously, can’t wait to show off Brendan and mine’s costume…we’ve come up with a plan)
Much cuter clothes :)
Thanksgiving and everything about it down to the Macy’s Parade
Possible HOUSE!! Please keep your fingers crossed. We put a bid in on a house that we both LOVE but at this point it’s a waiting game and I’m an impatient girl! :)
Hot cocoa and cheese grits!
FOOTBALL! Carolina Gamecocks particularly!
School is totally kicked in gear. (We’re still learning our procedures and routines)
The heels on my feet become smooth like a baby’s bottom. ( May be yucky, but flip flops and sandals make my skin rough)
Beautiful Mountains. Someone PLEASE convince my husband to take me to the Mountains for a weekend!! We haven’t went in over a year because we were saving up for our wedding and I just absolutely love the mountains in the fall!
My wonderful friend, Jill, gets MARRIED!!
Much more interesting blog entries!!!
Hopefully, a sick-free me!
And that’s all I’ve got now.
Posted by Jenn at 7:14 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Can you tell that I love this kid?!
She’s a country girl all right! Camouflage and all! I can’t believe my Kay-Bug can hold a gun!!! I still recall her being 3 and teaching her cartwheels which by the way she has the best cartwheels of anyone I’ve ever seen. ( I take credit..hahah! I’m sure she perfected her cartwheels all on her own though!) I saw this pic on her mom’s facebook page and had to share. Do you see how much I love this little lady? Can you only imagine how I’ll be with my own?!
Posted by Jenn at 5:44 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Great Grandma turns 91
How blessed I am to have had both of my GREAT grandmothers. I am continuously blessed by having such a wonderful Christian, grandmother. She is so wonderful and has never spoken an ill word about anything! ( to my ears, at least! :) ) Regardless, she is a wonderful person and I am so glad that this world has been blessed with her for 91 years! I was just thinking, when Brendan and I have children- that will be 5 generations! Great Grandma, Papa, Mama, Me, and then Little one. haha How awesome would that be?! This past Sunday, my mom planned a surprise birthday party. Lots of fun!
Okay, on to the tons of pictures I stole. For Christmas, I am asking for a really nice camera. :) Someone point my dear husband in the right direction.
The Grandchildren
The Great Grandchildren. I’m the oldest. Cami would actually be a great great grandchild.
Ready to party.
Great Grandma with her children. Shirley, Uncle Johnny, Aunt Lynn, and Papa
Don’t know what I was doing! Cousins. I grew up with these beautiful red heads.
Grandma Emily came too!
Happy Birthday!!
Posted by Jenn at 8:49 PM 1 comments