Monday, December 24, 2012

Sweet Godparents

Colin has the sweetest godparents. We and Colin are so thankful for Mike Wayne and Jill who love our little boy so much! Thank you for going above and beyond and just for being such wonderful people! We love y'all!

Colin received a little trike for Christmas from his godparents and boy, let me tell you! They made a grand slam with their gift! Colin loves it and I know he'll get the pedaling down soon! He is pretty much on it non stop!



Loves bananas
Says mama (when referring to me and also believes the word means pick me up)
Copies words
Thinks anything in a cup is juice
Loves water
Loves outside
Is a daredevil
Says ho ho ho when referring to Santa
Runs crazy fast
Ticklish most on his belly and neck
Loves pup pups
Knows the sound a cow, puppy, and kitten make
Points to my belly, his, dads and says baby
Enjoys listening to his heart beat (so does mommy)
Can eat a hot dog and a half
Weighs 28lbs (per mommys doc, she's not supposed to pick up sweet boy but seriously?!?)
Tries to wash his hair
Enjoys brushing his teeth
Has climbed out of his crib now 3 times
Has a sweet tooth
Enjoys sweet tea
Very independent
Has his parents wrapped around his finger

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Holidays Part 2

Holidays Part 1

Mountains in October

I know I've been SOOOO slack on updating this blog! I'm sorry and I can't promise I'll do better! Working full time and then coming home and cuddling and loving my boys takes up all of my time!

Talty dance party 2012

Dance dance Colin

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Dear Santa

Dear Santa,

I apologize for my behavior when we met. I had just woken up from my nap and was still quite a grump from the shortness of it! I was in the middle of a dream where I could climb and jump on anything without getting into trouble! Such a good dream!
I'm normally a very friendly guy! Just ask my mom! My friendliness to strangers really scares her sometimes! Next year, I'm sure our visit together will be more pleasant!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Bedtime story

How sweet is this ?

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Colin will have a........

Sibling!!! Yay!! :) Well, duh!

During the ultrasound, I was pretty sure I saw the sex of our baby (while she was just looking around) and said something to the technician along the lines of, I think I just saw a wee wee. She smiled and then said she thought I was right. Later on she went back to check and sweet baby did not want to open those legs. Eventually baby did cooperate and this is what we saw: can you see what we see? A little brother!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Our thoughts....

We will be thrilled either way! Of course! Last time, Brendan was certain, no doubt what so ever, boy. I was uncertain but thought girl. Obviously, Brendan was correct so when he told me what he thought this baby's gender would be, I started doubting myself. However, Brendan thinks girl but said he'd be surprised if it was! So he's not as sure as last time! I feel quite confident though in what I believe and that's boy! Our appointment is tomorrow at 3:00 so hopefully we will find out then!! I can't even begin to tell you how anxious I am just to see this sweet little baby! By the way, if you've not looked at the votes lately, girls are in the lead! Thank you for voting and participating! It's fun to put in the baby book who thought what!

Mrs. Talty's 4k class votes

In a class where boys dominate (13 boys, 7 girls), I just knew the outcome of this vote! Today, the kiddos and my assistant voted. The bug and a nasty cold has been going around big time in my room and I had 5 students out during this math lesson. Yes, I incorporated a math lesson. Here is a photo of the results.

As you can see, my class seems to think sweet little baby Talty will be a girl!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Growing too fast

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Baby bump pics

1. Please excuse my messy clothes. We've been baking cookies. 2. Did I seriously just allow my husband to take a picture of my rear?!? On a side note, " I like big butts and I cannot lie" was written about me. Yep, even as a little Jenn, " baby had back". 3. Today I am 18 weeks and 4 days pregnant.

Baby Sis or Baby Bro?

It's hard to believe how quickly time flies! We will (if sweet little baby cooperates) find out the gender of our second child this upcoming Thursday! December 6. My appointment is at 3:00. It's only fair that I post a poll up predicting the gender as I did with our first born. By the way, on that poll, majority said boy and well, obviously, the majority was right. Brendan was 100% correct! I was not so right. Although I did say I was not so sure! Brendan has his opinion this go around and just like us- I do not agree. However, I question myself since he was SO positive last time and that turned out just like he said. I am not posting quite yet what we think! I will post that maybe Wednesday evening. By the way, today was the first real day that I have been 100% certain that I have felt sweet pea moving! (S)he has been quite active!! Maybe it was the Cherry Pepsi I had at lunch. Or perhaps (s)he was enjoying baking cookies with mommy and daddy. Either way, my belly is having a solo dance party!! Back to the reason of the blog, I will try to post either Thursday night or Friday sometime the answer to whether Colin will have a new baby sister or brother! We are so stinking excited!! This will be our first and possibly only ultrasound!! It has been difficult not being able to see our little sweet pea! Okay, so let the voting begin!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Little man is the man

Can you believe this little guy and all of the sweet girls with their sweet kisses?!? I thought mommy was supposed to be the only lady in a little mans life!! Ahh, Colin what am I to do with you?

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Always fun

While in the hallway the other day at work, a student taps me in the leg. Me: Hey, sweetie, what's wrong? Little girl: mrs. Talty, what's happening to your belly? Me: what do you mean? LG: well, it's getting bigger. Me: well, there's a baby in my belly. LG with a look of bewilderment: Say what!?!?

Friday, November 9, 2012

Sweet kisses from a sweet boy

Colin has got to be the most loving child I have ever met. He loves to give good sugar and hold my head still while giving me those smooches. He gives hugs to all of his friends at Mrs. Lesley's and always loves on his family. I am so thankful for such an affectionate little boy! This mama eats it up! I try as much as possible because I know one of these days those sweet kisses and hugs will just be uncool.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

If you guessed

We've got an awesome and handsome boy, you're definitely right! however, that's not what Colin's trying to get you to guess! Next spring, around his birthday, he'll be receiving an awesome gift! He'll be a big brother! We found out the very last day of August! (I found out the very first day of September with Colin) Colin's due date was May 9 but he was born May 3. Our new sweet blessings due date is May 2 ( aunt Jessica's bday). I've opted to have a VBAC so please please pray for us that this is possible! I've found a new doctor which only gives us at most 3 ultrasounds! We've not had one yet! :( When pregnant with Colin and my previous dr. I had already seen him twice! So that stinks! We've heard the sweet heartbeat both by the dr and by our little Doppler. Dad is so good at finding it! It was the same as when we first heard Colin's! Around 165-170 bpm! I've also been sick with morning sickness but not as bad as I was with Colin. We're excited! Colin points to my belly, his, his dads and says baby. Oh and we bought a mini can! So I'm officially eating my words that ill never drive a van. Gobble gobble

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Colin wants you to...,

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Colin can climb down the stairs

 A little older video. He's a pro at this for sure. Make sure your volume is up to hear a little squeak of a noise from our boy.

Silly giggles from Colin

Sunday, September 30, 2012


Colin has now gotten into the salt shakers twice......within a few days of each other. The first shattered my ceramic shaker, the second was a cheap one used for picnics which he simply poured out. Never a full moment when you're around this wild child.

Monday, September 17, 2012

One tired boy!

After rocking Colin for quite some time, he jumped off of my lap, climbed up the end table, made it half way over, and completely tuckered out and fell asleep half on dad and half on the table. No lie this whole thing from jumping out of my lap and falling asleep in this position took all of 2 minutes!

Rockin out with daddy

This has got to be one of my favorite pictures of 2 of my most favorite people! When I married my husband, I didn't think I could ever possibly love him anymore and then he became a father and my cup truly runneth over!

Playtime outside

It's finally cooled down some where Colin and I can enjoy our walks again! After our walks we usually go in the backyard and play some. Unfortunately 5 minutes of our backyard play time, it began to rain. Colin Michael had what my family likes to call a "Sandel fit"! I thought terrible 2s were supposed to be when a kiddo is 2! Colin likes to skip ahead! He's not terrible but he can sure throw a terrible fit!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Colin "cheese"

This little guy keeps us laughing! He is such a blessing!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

August pics

Monday, July 30, 2012

Colin learns some dance moves

Sunday, July 29, 2012


I know all moms think their child is genius and I'm definitely no different! I'm so amazed with this little guy!

Colin can....
Point to his mama and dada and say our names. In other words, he knows I'm mama and B is dada
Sign more, milk, diaper, eat, done
Shake his finger no no
Eat like a champ!
Throw a tantrum
Run super fast
Climb anything!
Sort-of use silverware
Drink pink lemonade like its the last thing he will ever drink
Take his diaper off
Unplug things ( imagine my excitement)
Walk around in his diaper all day and is happy as a clam
Drive his little four wheeler
Throw a ball
Blow kisses
Give good sugar
Plays hide and seek
Occasionally pets Ferrell nicely
"sweep" and wipe things down
Pick up his toys ( also pretty good at throwing them too)
Lose pacifiers like a pro!
Say mama, dada, bye, hey, Gigi, muh for monkey, ee for ear, yay, and no
Can point to his ears and nose when asked where those are ( still working on mouth, eyes)

I'm sure I'm missing some things but I'm sure you're impressed enough for now! Haha
Love that sweet boy to itty bitty pieces!!!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Kevin's wedding

Just some of the pics...more to come.....eventually