Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Declan's 4month pic

Monday, September 16, 2013

4 months old and 2 years4months

Today Declan had his 4 month old shots. This hurts mama just as much sweet boy. So the latest with the boys ( excuse me if I have already said these things...this working mom of 2 little ones and a husband who works crazy hours leaves me a little looney from exhaustion at times)  

Declan can/likes
To bounce and jump
Rolls everywhere but prefers soft areas
Still gets up every 3 hours ( mom is so sleepy)
Wakes up nearly every morning at 5 just to cuddle
Always smiling and laughing
Doesn't care for cereal quite yet. Milk only, please!
Has discovered his voice and boy oh boy is he loud! I think he is often having a heated debate with the toys that hang above him!
Still has blue eyes and a clogged tear duct to go along with it. :(
Takes his passy more now
Hates sleep (seriously?!? Another kiddo who hates sleep?!?)
Currently has a cold
Weighs 16lbs (smaller than what his big bro was at this time) and is in the 75th percentile
Sweats! Just like his brother! 
Grabs toys
Loves to chew on my fingers
Thing my hair is hilarious

Makes animal sounds that sound frightening...such angry animals on Colin's farm!
Says some 3 word sentences 
Has started making eating noises when he wants food instead of asking...something we are trying to break him from
Pretend sneezes
Such a funny little guy
Always has a bruise or cut...wild man
Does not sleep through the night 
Loves his grandparents!
Could watch Cars every single day....I kid you not.   Last week we watched it 4 times!! Not in its entirety of course. 
Got some new light up shoes-Cars, no doubt. I do not like character things at all but...I just couldn't say no to Colin's pick bc 1) he really loved them 2) they were on sale 3) they made him so happy. When he wears them, he has to march so they light up.
Hates naps....still
Doesn't care to use the potty :(

Camera pics