Well, Christmas has come and gone and now it's time to welcome in a new year. Our holidays were wonderful spent with our families. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see my dad because he was really sick and not up for company so we still have to do Christmas with him. I know it's terrible to be sick at Christmas. Please say a prayer that he will get well soon. He's been sick for a few weeks and doctors are not real sure what's going on.
We spent Christmas Eve and part of Christmas Day with my mom and then headed back to Cola to spend Christmas with The Talty's. We definitely did our share of good eating this holiday. And since my family has learned of Brendan's sweet tooth...we got plenty of sweets. I will let Brendan take care of that though. One of my New Year's Resolutions is to lose weight..as it is every year and probably with every woman!
It's sad to say good bye to 2009 because it was such a great year! The high light, of course, being our incredible wedding and awesome honeymoon. I can't wait to revisit the Dominican Republic one day! I am looking forward to 2010. Hopefully, with a new year will come a new job! I miss teaching terribly and this year not being able to teach has been really tough. I've been praying and wishing that things would get better and jobs in education will open up. I'm excited about the new year and what it could bring!
Happy New Year! We hope 2010 will be good to everyone and will bring good health, new friendships, and prosperity to all!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year!
Posted by Jenn at 3:35 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 14, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Update on Roxie
Sad news. This Saturday our sweet family dog, Roxie died. I was really hoping that she would be able to hang on until I got home to see her. She was just too sick. In a way, I'm glad I didn't have to see her so sick but it would have been nice to have pet her once last time. I know it may be silly, but I really hope pets go to Heaven. Ferrell IS part of this family and I know I would be terribly upset if something happens to me. Even though Roxie was technically my brother's dog, I grew up with her too and fed and played with her just as much. Kevin got her from the Humane Society when he was 5 years old for his Birthday. He is now 20. He said she was the only one that came up to him when he was there so he knew she was the one for him. Roxie was buried in Dillon rather than Florence because no matter what, Dillon will always be home. It was her home. Here is a picture of Roxie. This was taken in her backyard in Dillon where she dug many holes and seized many birds. By the way, in case you're wondering...she was a Heinz-57. You can see some of the German Shepard in her as well as lab.
Posted by Jenn at 3:56 PM 0 comments
just testing this out to see if the post posts via txt message!
Posted by Jenn at 1:59 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 23, 2009
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Jordan
This past Saturday, Brendan and I were honored to be a part of Karen and Ryan's BIG DAY! Karen also shared in Our Day! The wedding was beautiful and we had a lot of fun celebrating their love! I didn't take nearly as many pictures as I would have liked. My camera was in the trunk of the car for the most part!

Janet and I could not miss an opportunity to get our picture taken with Cocky! Go Gamecocks!

Posted by Jenn at 1:26 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
5 Months
New blog layout! Whatcha think? I didn't even know I could change it but I like it better than the plain colors! I looked for a Christmas-y looking one but didn't see one. I also had to make sure not to make it so girly.
Turkey Day is next week! Our first Thanksgiving! Well, we've had 4 other Thanksgivings together but this is our first as a married couple! I'm not sure how we are going to do Thanksgiving with our families. My side always does lunch. I'm not sure if I am going to participate in Black Friday or not. I've done it my fair share of times and Brendan even participated last year. He was into it! Regardless of what he says. He loves competition and it is like one...see who can get up the earliest and find/get the prize. Last year we were determined to get up I think at 3:30 and we managed to get up at 4 and head to Wal Mart. We got the last TV! Then we went to Khol's for the carpet cleaner and we got the last one of those too! We stood in line FOREVER there. We were 1st in line at Wal Mart.
This year, I guess I'll just have to see the sales papers before I make my decision. I don't want to go unless I have to. People are CRAZY when it comes to shopping on Black Friday and they will take things out of your buggy! Buggy = shopping cart. ( Brendan said no one calls them buggies but I don't know of anyone who doesn't...besides him) So just in case that's a southern thing, I wanted to clarify.
The family dog, Roxie, has been sick this week and had to go for an over night stay at the animal hospital. She's old and I guess this is kind of expected but it's still tough! So I'm excited to see her when we go home for Thanksgiving. I haven't been home in a while! :o( SO I'm looking forward to this trip home!
I'm making Amish Friendship bread! Wished more of family lived closer so I could pass it along. I'm still baking and cooking. I've also become the coupon/wheelin' and dealin' queen when it comes to groceries. Last week, I saved $50. It's kind of fun but I do feel like an old fogey bringing out my envelope full of coupons. Oh well, it saves us moolah! :o)
We are in a wedding this weekend so I shall have some new pics to display soon! And then of course pics from Thanksgiving and us decorating for Christmas. Well, me decorating and then Brendan taking over. He can be such a perfectionist! Friday marks 5 months that we've been MARRIED!
Posted by Jenn at 11:47 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Brendan went as Bernie from Weekend at Bernie's. He wasn't too thrilled with his costume once he put it on but he did a great imitation of Bernie! The mustache stayed on for about 5 minutes and then that was the end of it! I think he looks like one of the cops from Reno 911.
I went as Punky Brewster! It was fun, but I tell ya! Everyone kept pulling on my pigtails! Brendan even helped me with my hair. What a great husband! :o) I needed help parting my hair at the back, unfortunately he doesn't have much expierence with parting hair ( he wears his hat at ALL times) and really dug into my head when parting! So by the end of the night, I had a big headache and a sore head from the parting and the pulling folks did! It was a fun costume though and everyone knew who I was so I must have done a pretty good job!
I wanted a picture of us together but Brendan was being a meanie and stuck his tongue out in every picture with me.
Mini pumpkin pie bites that Brendan and I made for the party. They were yummy!
Hope everyone had a great Halloween and remembered to set their clocks back! Happy November! Christmas is around the corner!!!!
Posted by Jenn at 11:40 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
We're the MckSickies
Brendan started getting the sniffles Saturday and then Sunday-Tuesday, he was a little sickie! Monday, he didn't even get out of bed and Sunday he actually ate soup! Yesterday he started feeling much better BUT then I started feeling bad! So now I'm a little sickie!
Seems like everyone is getting sick! Luckily, this is only a stuffed nose, sneezes, and a little congestion. This is a flu free zone and we want to keep it that way! Let's hope we all get these germs out of here!
Saturday, Brendan and I are going to a Halloween party at our friends, Justin and Janet's. They usually throw the annual Halloween Party. Saturday, we went and finished buying all of the necessities for our costume. We'll reveal what we are after the party. Brendan wants to secretive about it!
I'm not sure if we are going to be able to pass out candy this year. Halloween falls on the same night as the party. I like passing out candy. However, I don't like it when kids reach their little hands into the candy bowl. I think that's rude. This isn't a take what you want kind of deal. This is me being nice and giving out candy. How much candy? Well, that's up to me! If you're too old to go trick or treating...you probably won't get much from me. If you're not dressed up- not much candy is going into your pumpkin.
I'm not into the scary portion of Halloween. My nerves can't take it! I'm not able to watch scary movies either. I'm a scaredy cat and I'll be the first to admit it!
I am quite ready for the Holidays. Can you believe how fast Thanksgiving and Christmas are approaching? I'm ready to wake up and watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and eat fried chicken! Last year, I was sick..or was that Christmas? I just remember not being able to eat like I wanted! It had to be after Christmas because that's when we went to Ohio for the 1st time.
I wonder how the holidays will go with us being married now! Before, it wasn't a big deal if we didn't spend the holidays together. But now we're MARRIED and this will be our first holiday as hubby and wife and we have to be together. Ohhh, I need an ornament for our first Christmas! Where can I get one of those? Anyone know?
We haven't carved a pumpkin yet. What's the rules for that? Is that just a Halloween thing or is it a fall thing? If it's just a Halloween thing then we're running out of time! I also want to go to a corn maze. I gave Brendan the option of Dracula, the ballet (which is awesome..I've seen it 3 times) or the maze. You can pretty much guess his answer- The Maze.
Hopefully, I will have great pictures for you with pumpkin carvings and Halloween costumes soon!
Posted by Jenn at 5:20 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
I updated the settings on the blog. I didn't know it was clicked on registered users can only comment. It's now open to anyone. That's it forreal! :o)
Posted by Jenn at 12:48 PM 0 comments
A simpler way!
As far as me posting any more wedding pictures....I'm not going to! Take that! he hee Reasons - Well, it takes so long, and 2- we have a lot of favorites! So therefore, I have created an account where you can see all of our professional pictures! I tried creating a snapfish account but for some reason, it keeps me listed from the UK and I've tried and tried to fix it as did Brendan...even creating new Email accounts but we had no luck! I don't usually go through snapfish anyways so I thought I'd see if my Shutterfly account offered something where we could display our pictures. I can see how this can become a great way for our families to see us and eventually our little family! The website is easy to remember: http://thetaltys.shutterfly.com/ I'm pretty sure you can add photos as well. I'm still working on trying to figure it out. I'll still add some photos to the site...like our Halloween costumes ( if we ever pull it all together!) and what not. I'll inform you on our blog if there is a new album on the shutterfly account. I hope you don't have to be a member to add photos. Well, that's all I've got for now!
Can you believe how fast this year has flown?! This time last year, I was counting down our wedding! Brendan and I went to a wedding this past Saturday. My friend, Emily made a gorgeous bride! I just love weddings!! It made us reflect on how intimate and personal our day was for us and how grateful we are to our amazing families and friends!
Congratulations to the new Langley's!
Posted by Jenn at 11:46 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
I've not been doing a great job keeping up with our blog! My apologies!
My oh my oh summer came and it went too quickly. Yesterday marked our 100th day of being married folks! As well as my Dad's birthday! And it marked exactly 5 years to the day that we met! This is only known b/c it happened to be on my Dad's Bday! :o) Yep, so now we're old married people! hehee
I'm 2 - 0 in cooking this week! Monday, I made chicken and dumplings which I was soooo excited about because I've never made this before and really wanted it to be good! As wonderful as my husband is, he can also be brutally honest when it comes to my cooking/baking. What can I say? He's my guinea pig! Fortunately, my chicken and dumplings passed the hubs meter! We both enjoyed the meal. Of course he had a few suggestions! haha Last night I made baked ham, steamed veggies, toasted baguette, and scalloped potatoes! Go me! I'm a little home maker! I can toot my own horn every once in a while! :o) Now, tonight's menu is baked parmesan. Hopefully that will turn out just as good! You know, that was actually the first meal I had when I went to meet the parents! Brendan's parents that is! When Brendan came home with me for the first time, we were having a good ole' southern fish fry. haha Way to welcome him into the family! Nothing like greasy fish fryin' to say welcome to the clan!
This weekend we are headed to Florence. I've been doing better with my homesickness. I knew it was just an adjustment and that I'd get used to it! But I am excited about going home. Almost as much as I am about this awesome weather! Perfect day to relax outside in the hammock and read. Which I did for about an hour today. The new book I am reading it called The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. Just made it to Chapter 3 and I've already cried. It's about this 14 year old girl who was murdered..she's telling the story from "her heaven" and looking down on Earth. Interesting.
Today, I set out to make a fall centerpiece for our dining room table. Tooting my own horn here again.. I think I did an okay job! We'll see what the hub says when he gets home. Speaking of being crafty, I've started my scrap booking of our wedding. That takes some time. I can't toot my horn here. Can't even give it a little squeak. I need work in this department. Unfortunately, scrap booking is not cheap and so it's going to take time for me to get this done! I've completed about 5 pages though! They don't look the greatest, but hopefully they'll get better as I go along!
Well, I think that's all for now. I'll try to do better with updates. Can you believe October begins tomorrow! I've got to get to work on my Halloween Costume. I can't tell you just yet what I'm going to be! I'm putting it together myself. Last year, I put my lady bug costume together myself and even painted the polka dots on my red tights. But didn't realize the paint would go through and so when I took the tights off after painting polka dots, I had polka dotted legs that had to sit in the tub and be scrubbed off. tsk tsk!
Posted by Jenn at 6:09 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Recapping our long wknd
Us at the Indians Game!! My very first MLB game! It was so much fun. Unfortunately, the Indians could not pull off a win for me. We were also able to see the airshow which was awesome and incredibly loud! I also tried stadium mustard thanks for Uncle Jim's "you can't come here and not have stadium mustard" comment. OMG, delicious! Uncle Jim was nice enough to buy us some to take back to good ole' South Carolina! Thank you SOO SOO much Uncle Jim for spending the day with us and taking us to the game. It was well worth the 10 hour drive!
So we got into Southern Ohio Saturday at around 1 am. Boy, were we tired! We got up the next morning and went to see Grandma and Grandpa Clark! We had a lovely day and then headed to the game!
After the game, we headed over to some of my wonderful new in laws! Almost the whole gang came over and we ate yummy pizza ( after eating more than my fair share of food at the game!) I can't wait to try pizza on the grill myself. Aunt Colleen and Uncle Tony were excellent hosts and we enjoyed our time with them. Especially at breakfast where they had Brendan and I cracking up! I need to hang out more with Aunt Maureen and maybe some of her cooking skills will rub off on me! hahaa She's a great cook! Thanks for such a great evening!
Sunday- basically our last day- went by entirely too fast! We stayed at Grandma and Grandpa's. We also got to see Uncle Steve and Tina which was a real treat! I've had such great visits to Ohio and am looking forward to returning for more visits. Maybe next time, there will be lots of snow! :o) I'm not sure when our next visit will be but hopefully it won't be too long.
I'm still on the prowl for a permanent teaching postion. Keep your fingers and toes and eyes and legs and arms crossed that something will eventually open up for me! hehee
Thanks again for making our short visit a great one!! We love you!
Posted by Jenn at 6:52 PM 10 comments
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Sharing our FUTURE little ones
Those of you may not know this about me but I absolutely LOVE to dance and shake my "money maker". I have young parents and growing up with young parents, I was always around music and dancing and then when I was old enough, I danced and competed in many competitions. I also cheered as a little Jenn all the way up to big Jenn. So dancing is something that I do a lot whether it's while I'm out or just getting ready!
So when I saw this video via my "other mother", Gina, I immediately thought..THESE are my future kids. It's so funny. What's even funnier, we had video (not too sure) but I KNOW we have pictures of my younger brother, Kevin, dancing and singing when he was about this age to the country song" I got to thank mama for the cookin', daddy for the whoopin', the devil for the trouble that I get into. I've got to give credit, where credit is due. I thank the bank for the money, Thank God for you" Don't know the actual name of the song as you can tell...BUT he really got into it and it had us all rolling. We were very tempted to send it in to America's Funniest Home Videos.
Anywho, make sure your volume is up! Just think in a few years, I could be posting up our little Talty bunch "getting low". haha Enjoy!
Posted by Jenn at 5:14 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Ohio Bound!
Swine Flu has showed it's ugly face at the school. The school where I work that is! NICE! Also, strep and the flu is going around. SANITIZE everything! It's kind of scary. Also, this week a 12 year old boy died of swine flu. He also had other medical problems but the COD was swine flu. So scary, so say a prayer for us all. This year is supposed to be pretty bad with the flu going around. I think it's probably a must to get the vaccination this year. YUCK. Shots are never fun!
After much indecisiveness, we have decided to make the trip to Ohio this coming Friday! We are worried that we will be way too tired for work Tuesday but I told my dear, sweet husband that if we have the opportunity to go, we need to! Also, we are going to my first ever MLB game! Which is a reason to shop! :o) I messaged Delayne and asked her what in the world should I pack as far as the weather is concerned. She said it changes from cold to warm. So.....everything? hahaha
Tomorrow Carolina football kicks off! Go Gamecocks! I really hope this season is a great one! USC has been a little dissappointing for the past ummm..... (yea, it's that much) years. I would love to go to a game this year. I haven't been since college. I've been to the game..just not in! :o)
So we are Ohio Bound and I can hardly wait! Not looking forward to the extremely long drive but looking forward to everything else!
Posted by Jenn at 4:35 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Mac and Cheese
Today is my Great Grandmother's 90th Birthday party. We are having a huge cookout b/c Hello?! Turning 90 is an awesome ordeal that should be celebrated BIG! So like an idiot, I volunteer to make the mac and cheese! I called mom up yesterday because I had not perfected the recipe and it was BLAND. I asked if I could just bring the rolls! She said she had already told everyone that I was making the mac and cheese so no. HAHA!
So I went back to my researching for the best mac and cheese recipe...also the least complicated! I stumbled across this awesome lady's blog who had a link to someone who was trying to figure out the best mac and cheese recipe. So I was like , right on! I hit the jackpot! This lady had tried several recipes and rated them!
The best part - I already had most of the ingredients! So last night, I got to work. Time was running up for me! Brendan was my test rat and he told me what it needed which was more cheese...I can't argue with that. I'm the biggest Peanut Butter and Cheese lover there is! Not together though..ewww!
I thought I would share the recipe but make sure you add more cheese! I would actually put cheese in the middle. Make it extra cheesy! It's also very creamy. It's yummy!
Oh and the website it AWESOME because it has step by step pictures! No one does that! They should, but they don't!
Recommended book also - Change of Heart by Jodi Picoult. Great read! Well, I actually got it on CD so I listened to it on my way to and from the beach and just whenever I was in the car!
Have a great weekend!
Posted by Jenn at 9:26 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Bizzzzeeeee (Busy)
Didn't want you to think I couldn't spell!
Well, things are back in gear. School has started back. I'm still a long term sub but DEFINITELY hoping and open to new opportunities that I pray WILL arrive! I've decided to look at this as though it's God's purpose...which I know it is! Maybe God put me here to reach these particular students. I've got a much better outlook about things now. Thanks to my mother who was encouraging and supportive like she always is! So I have a big group! Big comparitive to last year's class which basically stayed at 16 students and the year before at 15. This year, 22! And don't say "oh, it's just 6 more" because 1 more than make a big diff! The kids are to cute and most of them are such sweethearts! There are a few that are so silly! It's wonderful to see all the different personalities of these 5 and 6 and some 7 year olds! Most are 6, by the way!
Brendan has been swamped at work and I've missed him a lot lately. After tomorrow, he will have worked for 13 days straight! No bueno! Saturday, we've got 2 events going on! One- my fabulous Great Grandmother's 90th Birthday Party!!! We are expecting 35 + people! What a blessing!! She's so wonderful and is so excited about her party. She LOVES to socialize! Everytime I go over there, she's telling me to sit down and stay a while. Monday is her actual birthday. I'm excited to see all of the family as well. We also have our friend, David's, going away party. He's the guy who caught the garter! He's a big Georgia fan and he caught my Gamecock Garter! hehee Well, he's going back hom to GA. So we want to wish him off well!
Today marks exactly 2 months since Brendan and I got married! How crazy! Oddly enough, it seems much longer than that!
Well, I've gotta run! Dinner time!
Posted by Jenn at 8:01 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 10, 2009
So long summer!
Summer vacation is coming to an end. I start working Wednesday. Summer sure flew by! But oddly enough, our wedding seems like so long ago! I want to rewind it! Especially back to our honeymoon where we were totally catered to!
This past weekend was tax free weekend here in South Carolina and Brendan and I took advantage of it and purchased ourselves a new printer! We needed one badly. We did have a nice one but we made the mistake of going to one of those refill your ink cartridge places and ever since then, our printer has taken a leave of absence. So what's the first thing I print off of our new printer you ask! Well, since all of my books (children's books) have "This book belongs to Miss Cox" on them, I printed off new labels that say......... you guessed it! "This book belongs to MRS. TALTY" Except it's not in all caps! Fun stuff! I also printed off address labels with a 3 leaf clovers on them for us Talty's to celebrate the Irish heritage!
This past Saturday, we met up with my old teacher colleagues for a fun cook out! We had a lot of fun and it was great seeing everyone again!
Our weekends are pretty full for the remainder of August! Next weekend, a few friends and myself are throwing a luau shower for 2 of our friends who are getting married. So I'm pretty busy in preparation for that. Then the following weekend, we have my Great Grandma's 90th Birthday party and a farewell party for a friend of ours. I enjoy being busy though!
Well, I just wanted to give a quick update on things although there is not too much to update on! Brendan has a softball game tonight that I hope I can make! I am meeting with the girls to discuss the luau this Saturday and not sure how long that will take. Hopefully, I'll make it!
Posted by Jenn at 11:50 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Sure, that's a play off of Bakerella! I have always-well, since Brendan and first started dating, loved to cook. Baking particularly. However, I consider myself to be pretty new to the cooking world. I'm always trying out new recipes and poor Brendan is always the guinea pig. Lately, I've tried fajitas and it was a sucess! I even made fajitas during our vacation and my family gobbled them up!
Tonight I am trying something new. I am stewing potatoes and sauted onions (Thanks Randy!) and cubed steak. We shall see how that turns out. Brendan informed me that cubed steak is not a good meat but seriously!, how was I to know?! I bought it so I'm cooking it and that's that. No need in wastin' it!
My point is, if you have great recipes that are fairly simple or have few ingredients- send them my way! Please! Well, I've gotta go and finish getting dinner ready before my husband gets home!
Posted by Jenn at 7:32 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 3, 2009
Summer time and the livin' is easy - for me at least
Sorry for the lack of updates! Things haven't been very busy around here but they are certainly about to pick up! This is my last week of pure, complete laziness and then it's back to work. Wish I was going back to work at my old school. :o( I'm still a little sad about that as you can see! This past week, I was able to go to the beach and spend some great time with some of my favorites - my mom, the sun, and the ocean! It was great. We layed out on the beach all day long. Literally. We got out there about 10 each morning and didn't really come in until 6. Of course we came in for lunch. Needlesss to say, we got a little cooked. Luckily, it all went in and wasn't red - just tender. Randy was also there along with his son. Gina and Megan came down for a day and spent time with us. It was a great vacation but something very important was missing and that was my husband! I missed him a lot and wished he could have been there!
Friday night, we went to Crocodile Rocks to see my cousin, Jonathan play. We met up with my Uncle Roger, Aunt Lynn, and then my wonderful cousin Mandi joined us! We had a great time listening to the dualing pianos. Brendan loves this place and so we're planning to go back to the beach soon and stay in Aunt Lynn's condo with them. This is a picture of me and mom taken from Crocs. I always forgot my camera on the beach.
Oh I must tell you about all the excitement that went on while vacationing. It was not exciting like FUN but just wow. Well, the 2nd day there we see this plane that keeps making circles above the ocean and it keeps getting wider and wider and then narrower and narrower. They were looking for the body of a 12 year old that drowned last Thursday. Then there were all these jet skis and divers out there. It was crazy. Nothing has been found so far. The next day, I was laying on the beach and mom had decided to go lay down by the ocean. I see our lifeguard start running down the beach and I look in the ocean and there are 2 lideguards in the ocean pretty far out and they have someone. Then this lifeguard truck races down the beach like a bat out of hell and I'm pretty worried and scared at this point. Mom tells me to come on and to let's go see what's going on. Well, me being the nosey person I am, went along. A man- not a child- was pulled from the ocean and they were giving him oxygen. They must have already administered CPR by the time we had gotten there. He was curled up and having seizures. He looked like he was in such pain. I was very upset and it broke my heart. I couldn't stand to watch. Mom and I just prayed and prayed for the young man. I listened to the news that night and a drowning was reported on the other side of the beach but not the side we were on which is still horrible. So I thank the good Lord that this man was okay.
Sorry for the downer but it was definitely the scariest thing that I have ever witnessed and I hope to never see anything like that again.
I'll try to do better with updates. Brendan and Danny start their new season of softball tonight if the weather permits it! It's been cloudy all morning. It's hard to believe the fall ball is already starting up and it's even harder to believe that it's about time to go back to work! Awww MAN! :o)
Posted by Jenn at 8:46 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Stay Summer STAY!
Update on the job hunt: Well, I've accepted a position as a long term substitute in 1st grade at a really great school. Everyone seems to be excited but I can't help but to be a little disappointed. This is not what I went to school for and it's not what I really want. I want my own classroom with my own set of students. But I guess I should be grateful to have a job seeing as to how jobs are being scarce. Hopefully something good will come up and I'll get a job doing what I love best!
Summer is going by entirely too fast! I've got vacation coming up at the beach which I'm excited about! I miss the beach! I wish we lived a lot closer to the ocean. In Dillon, I could just pick up and go for the day. Columbia- 3 hours away so can't just pick up and go for the day!
Everyone is vacationing this week so I'm at home bored! I've been watching Lost. Trying to see what the bg fuss is. I've completed season 1. It's ashame right? Too much tv will rot your brain out. SO I am reading too. hehee I'm currently reading 2 books. ((Trying to make up for the rotting of my brain))
I've also been playing housewife. Which, the cooking and baking part is fun...not the rest. I'm bored at home..as you can prob. tell with my season 1 and 2 books. Brendan put the hammock up for me so at least I have a nice little spot for reading.
I have also been missing home. We are going this Saturday. We're double dating. :o) My mom, Randy, Brendan, and I are going to dinner and then to the theatre to see Aladdin, the play. My good friend, Joey, who sang in our wedding, is the Genie. We're excited to see him in action!!
Well, I am going to go lay in our hammock and read My Sister's Keeper. Then, I'm going to start dinner for my hubby! That is SOO fun to say!!
Posted by Jenn at 4:41 PM 0 comments