Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ohio Bound!

Swine Flu has showed it's ugly face at the school. The school where I work that is! NICE! Also, strep and the flu is going around. SANITIZE everything! It's kind of scary. Also, this week a 12 year old boy died of swine flu. He also had other medical problems but the COD was swine flu. So scary, so say a prayer for us all. This year is supposed to be pretty bad with the flu going around. I think it's probably a must to get the vaccination this year. YUCK. Shots are never fun!

After much indecisiveness, we have decided to make the trip to Ohio this coming Friday! We are worried that we will be way too tired for work Tuesday but I told my dear, sweet husband that if we have the opportunity to go, we need to! Also, we are going to my first ever MLB game! Which is a reason to shop! :o) I messaged Delayne and asked her what in the world should I pack as far as the weather is concerned. She said it changes from cold to warm. So.....everything? hahaha

Tomorrow Carolina football kicks off! Go Gamecocks! I really hope this season is a great one! USC has been a little dissappointing for the past ummm..... (yea, it's that much) years. I would love to go to a game this year. I haven't been since college. I've been to the game..just not in! :o)

So we are Ohio Bound and I can hardly wait! Not looking forward to the extremely long drive but looking forward to everything else!