For I know the plans I have for you, declares THE LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
Posted by Jenn at 7:15 AM 0 comments
I don't know what it is, but I have been crazy tired lately. Like, I'm ready to get into the bed before 9 pm. Also, there just aren't enough hours in the day for me to get accomplished all that I want to get done. This week, I have even found it difficult to find time to open the mail. Bless my poor plants hearts! Well, if they had hearts..they would be awfully sad for the neglection that I am doing. To top it off, I have joined a gym...which is needed! And hopefully will help me to get some energy back! :) I enjoy it! I've taken this High/Low class which seriously kicked my butt and Zumba which is totally hot. It's like salsa dancing almost. I would feel totally hot doing this IF there weren't dang mirrors in front of me showing me how I look when I make these moves.
Also, I have become a people watcher while working out. I find that it makes the time go by faster. Okay at this point I'm taking off my "polite shaw". There is this lady at the gym which I kid you not...is probably .5% body fat and it's probably in her left big toe. She's like in her 50-60's and she gets it..like does not stop moving. If there is a class about to begin and the instructor is looking for a CD to put in, she'll go get on the treadmill and run for 30 seconds. The instructor will have 1 riser on her step...she'll have 3. Also, as much as she moves....you'd think she would be dripping with perspiration. I don't think she sweats. She's like this tiny, energetic, but quite annoying miracle. OKay, my "polite shaw" will come back on.
Tomorrow is my preschooler's graduation. Pray that everything will go smoothly! Please say a little prayer for me that I gain a little more patience. I have new students that are really testing me and I'm trying not to bend em' over and spank them. JUST KIDDING!!! My mama and daddy sure tore my hiney up if I misbehaved! You don't see that now a days though! OKay, it is now 9:30 and it's amazing I've not crashed before now.
Posted by Jenn at 9:27 PM 0 comments
Thursday we celebrated Brendan's 27th Birthday. I kid with him and tell him that he is now in his late 20's where as I am still in my mids. :) Brendan sees his Birthday as just another day but I think Birthdays should definitely be celebrated. I came home from work and ran around like a chicken with her head cut off to cook dinner. Also, I ordered this Triple Chocolate cookie for his Bday....you know that is totally up his alley.
I know I've said it a million times but I'll say it again. I am so blessed with an incredible husband. He is such a wonderful person and I am so happy that we share our lives together. He makes growing older fun. I love that we've never stopped falling in love. Happy Birthday, Brendan! I can't wait to celebrate many, many more with you. I love you!!
Posted by Jenn at 7:16 PM 0 comments
Kaleigh Lauren has got to be one of the most loved little girls in the world! I know our family including myself are some of the biggest Kay-Bug fans out there. She is so smart. I will take the credit for that...she was blessed with brains like her Jenn Jenn. :o) She has talent coming out of her every pore. She is a rockstar when it comes to softball. She loves playing. I can't say that she got her athletic ability from me though. That I'll give the credit to her Aunt Pam and her sissy, Beth. She got those cute freckles from her Mom. I am just beyond proud of her and her achievements. She plays softball basically year-round. Travelling ball too. Her team has done outstanding and has won the championship. Here is a picture of her and her HUGE trophy. I love you Kay-Bug and am so proud of your accomplishments and the young lady that you are becoming. Now, stop growing! That's enough!
Posted by Jenn at 1:13 PM 0 comments
I am a country girl though and through. I love muddy trucks, bare feet, sweet tea, country music, saying y'all, leaving the "g" off of "ing" words, and etc. etc. So it should be no surprise that I love to go strawberry pickin'. I am on this total strawberry kick right now. I eat them as a snack...I eat them for breakfast. --Don't worry, I'm not going to get into a Sam I am kick on the strawberries-- But I have seriously been eating up some strawberries lately. I've been bugging Brendan that I wanted to go pick strawberries for quite some time and during Mother's Day weekend, we went with Mom and Randy. While picking, we had a hard time filling the bucket because we kept just eating them from the patch but we did eventually fill our buckets. We left there with red, sticky fingers and full strawberry bellies. :) Kevin stayed back..seeing as to how sleeping all day sounded like a better idea to him. :)
Posted by Jenn at 6:21 PM 0 comments
As you probably know from reading my blog or in general from just knowing me, My MeMa was a huge part of my life and we were very close. She had colon cancer and unfortunately she passed away. I decided after Brendan and I got married last summer that I was going to grow my hair out for locks of love in honor of her memory. Needless to say, when my hair got longer ( as hair usually does) hehee...ohh where was I? Ohh yea, as my hair got longer, I started to love it long! BUT, I remember when I was little ( around 1st grade) due to the length and thickness of my hair, I started getting terrible migraines on a regular basis. I inherited migraines from my PaPa and still have them although very rarely. My doctor said the only thing I can do for mine is to "grow out of them". Wow, I can get side tracked. So my hair hasn't been this long since 1st grade was the point I was getting to. The "growing out of them" thing must be true because my hair did not cause headaches. However, I could braid or curl my hair. I seriously loved it long. I still had every intention of donating my hair to Locks of Love just knew I was going to be a little sad. And I was...I did share some crocodile tears but I knew what I was doing was a good thing.
I made an appointment to get my hair trimmed- I got 12 inches cut off. Some trim huh?! haha It's been so hot lately so during the appointment, I decided to just go ahead and do it! So I did it! And I miss my hair but WOW, is it so much easier to deal with?! I'm so glad I did it and hope to do it again some day! By the way, the needed amount for locks of love is 10 inches...I gave them 2 extra! :)
I wasn't really THAT sad.
Posted by Jenn at 6:44 PM 1 comments
We have both been blessed with such wonderful mothers. I truly value and love the relationship that my mother and I have and the relationship that I have with my Mother-in-law. My mom has been such a supportive, encouraging mother. Even now as I am a "grown up", she still cheers me on. It's wonderful to see how we have transitioned into best friends. We talk everyday and even though it's hard being apart from her, I am so glad to know she is always there if I need her and only a phone call away ( and an hour and some change down the road).
It's so exciting- Mother's Day. This year especially because there is so much to be thankful for. All of the new moms, and moms to be, and older moms...it's just crazy that we're at that stage where babies "consume our minds" and our friends are having children. It is too exciting!! Case was brought into this world recently and so was Griffin. It just fills my heart with such joy to see these precious babies. Happy Mother's Day to all!!
Posted by Jenn at 6:11 PM 0 comments