Sunday, May 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Brendan!

Thursday we celebrated Brendan's 27th Birthday.  I kid with him and tell him that he is now in his late 20's where as I am still in my mids.  :)  Brendan sees his Birthday as just another day but I think Birthdays should definitely be celebrated.  I came home from work and ran around like a chicken with her head cut off to cook dinner. Also, I ordered this Triple Chocolate cookie for his know that is totally up his alley.

I know I've said it a million times but I'll say it again.  I am so blessed with an incredible husband.  He is such a wonderful person and I am so happy that we share our lives together.  He makes growing older fun. I love that we've never stopped falling in love.  Happy Birthday, Brendan!  I can't wait to celebrate many, many more with you.  I love you!!

FYI: Candles melt fast....really fast.  We had to sing "Happy Birthday" like we were fast forwarding.