Monday, July 26, 2010

We made it! Part 2

Our official 1st week here in MB has began. Our house is getting shown a lot so I am hoping and praying that it'll sell fast and I get a job fast and we can get into a new house!  Needless to say, I am not loving apartment living.  I really don't like taking my dog out on a leash, our upstairs neighbors apparently have led feet, and the kitchen is 1/4 of the one in Cola. 

Friday, when we got here and tried to get in, we couldn't.  They had given us the wrong key. They had given us the key to the apartment that we were originally supposed to get.  Oh and we arrived here 15 minutes after the office closed!  Luckily, Brendan was able to call maintenance and the guy was like 45 minutes away but he came and delivered us the right key.  So back to why we were in a different apartment than originally told.  I received a phone call a week before move-in day asking if we didn't mind taking this apartment over the one we were supposed to get. It's the same only this one has a fireplace so I didn't mind.  What I was not told though, was that this apartment is a handicap apartment.  Meaning there are bars in the shower, no cabinets in the bathroom, lower shelves in the kitchen ( fyi- I have only 2 drawers in the kitchen...haven't counted the cabinets though), and the stove along with it's buttons are low as well.  It's not that I mind the handicap apartment but c'mon, bathroom cabinets are needed. Gratefully, since we were not aware of the apt. that we were receiving, they are reimbursing us for storage in the bathroom. Meaning, we pick out something we like and  buy it and they'll pay us back.  They are really nice in the office. :)

Saturday, mom came and helped us unpack a little.  I was feeling very overwhelmed because there were boxes absolutely everywhere and I just didn't understand how anything was going to fit in our new place!  I had to kind of pick and choose what would have to stay packed up due to the size of the kitchen and lack of space in the bathroom. Sunday, mom and I layed out by the pool and it such an extremely hot day that we basically stayed in the water.  I'm a little toasty so I opted not to lay out today.  I'll head down to the beach tomorrow and lay out with Gina and Megan.

I THINK I am starting to learn what's around us. Shopping and grocery stores, where to get go-go juice (gas). There is a Dunkin Donuts down the road too so Sunday we had donuts and I got some iced coffee.  I love love love iced coffee!  Brendan told me to treat myself to a pedicure which I had every intention of doing but you all know how clumsy I am!  We are currently using my hope chest as a coffee table and the edges kind of stick out at the bottom and the bottom of my foot hit the edge and OUCHHHHHHHHHHHHH!  It even hurts to walk on my foot.  I tell ya!  Tomorrow, I'll put it in the salt water and it'll be just fine.   Salt water heals just about anything, ya know?  :)