I got the BEST birthday gift this past Monday. What?! What did you get?? Tell me, tell me!! I wanna know! Oh brother, can you tell I hang out with kids all day or what?! Our offer was accepted on a house!! Short sale, shmort sale! That is of the past! We are so thrilled!!! There was no counter offer it was just wham, bam, thank ya mam' ACCEPTED! The Sunday before it was even accepted, I jumped the gun and played pretend and went "shopping" for the new house and decorated it. It was pretend and no money was actually spent. It was my birthday and it's how I wanted to spend it. :) I am so excited. I do have a few parting words though.....
Dear upstairs neighbor,
I will not miss your stomping or bowling or loud music. Nor will I miss your 4 am get ups to bowl/stomp. I will not miss trying to figure out if you are a man or woman. My husband says a woman but I still think you're a man. OK, that was mean. I'm sorry. Even as I type this, you are jamming upstairs and possibly moving your furniture around. You will not be missed especially at 4 am on Saturdays. I will not miss you THE MOST.
Dear Geese,
I will not miss your squawking or the little mess that you leave on the ground that I am sure our neighbors believe to be our dog's. All of a sudden we got a generic note on our door about picking up after our pets when you started handling your business around our building. Coincidence? I think not..... Ferrell was framed! He's innocent!
Dear dog owners of the apt. complex,
I will not miss waiting forever for my dog to find a special spot to go because your animals have went everywhere. I have a peculiar dog, what can I say? I will not miss having to put my dog on a leash to potty or hearing my little 6lb dog bark at your 150 lb dog. I will not miss dodging my steps from what YOU fail to pick up. Nasty Nasty.
and last but not least
Dear tiny little apt.,
I am not attached to you so saying goodbye is not difficult. I will not miss our inability to keep you clean and straightened because there is just NO space or room for our belongings. I will not miss the teeny, tiny kitchen and not being able to grocery shop but rather shop each day for dinner. I will not miss your paper, thin walls. Yes, neighbor, we hear when you and your loved one are not agreeing on something. I also blame you, apt., for killing my "impossible to kill" plant. It's easier to blame you than myself. After all, it was IMPOSSIBLE to kill. So it HAD to be your fault, not mine. However, I will miss that you were handicap accessible and had rails in the bathtub. This makes taking a bath do-able. How will I ever manage in our new place? I'm sure I will figure out a way.
Closing Date to be determined but possibly as soon as the 2nd week in February!! We need helpers/volunteers/good Samaritans when the time comes around to moving. Any and all help will be appreciated and welcomed! haha I feel guilty because I know I'm going to be little help. My back has already started hurting. I always expected the back pain to come with pregnancy as my chiropractors have always told me pregnancy was going to be hard on my back but I thought, well, docs are wrong all the time so maybe this will be one of those times!
Our new digs:
Friday, January 28, 2011
This Just in............
Posted by Jenn at 5:53 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Colin at 25 weeks 2 days
2nd Attempt! So today we went to the doctor to see our little man and to make sure everything was going well. Colin's heart rate was 163. It's always high! Everything is good and normal! We were able to see that Colin is indeed a BOY. I got my definite proof. The technician said that we could take it to the bank. :) We were able to see our little man yawn twice and even got to see his tongue. So far, we did not see any hair on his head which just goes to show that old wives tales are just that....tales! I've had some pretty serious heart burn and yet our little boy is currently bald. He was tired and kept rubbing his little eyes. He is the most wonderful, precious thing I have ever seen. I am so excited to be his mommy and I am so excited about the amazing daddy our son has. We got a sneak peak 3d pic and thought we'd share! It's a profile of his face and I am convinced he's got my nose....Brendan would beg to differ. :)
Posted by Jenn at 9:46 PM 0 comments
Colin at 25 Weeks 2 days
Picture of a picture so I am sorry about the shine.
Posted by Jenn at 5:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 23, 2011
better late than never
Posted by Jenn at 9:09 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 17, 2011
Stressed spelled backwards is desserts, ya know?
AND I'd like a double fudge sundae and oohh, a couple of those melt-in-your-mouth, don't tell me what you put in them: Peach Burritos my father in law makes.
The road is coming to an end for us in our house hunt. Why? Because as my good friend Bradley once stated, enough is enough when you start thinking that way. And we are tired of all this waiting. We've explored MB and Conway and exhausted our options as far as what is available out there in our budget. We can't build at this point- not in time for little Colin's debut. We could but it would be pushing it and ummm just would rather not chance it. We are ready to have ALL of our things with us and out rather than in boxes and scattered here and there. So I ask for positive, good thoughts sent our way as we try to let go of this short sale which is becoming less and less appealing and more and more of a burden. We found a house that we equally love but there are pros and cons to both houses which seem to balance each other out. We're stressed like I said. I'm having nightmares, Brendan is losing sleep, and our thoughts are consumed with a house. We've waited on this short sale long enough. It's been 5 months since our offered was made. Colin will be here in a little more than 3 months. ( end of April is what we are being told now) and we don't want nor need the added pressure of still searching for a home to call ours. I will keep you updated as we hopefully have some good news by Friday. Or news, period!
Posted by Jenn at 12:42 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 13, 2011
23 Weeks
We had our 23 weeks appointment earlier this week. We were supposed to get an ultra sound but unfortunately, the technician was not there so we go back in 2 weeks! Colin's heart rate was 153 but it was not found easily. Every time she went to find his heart, he would kick her and move. He is a very active little boy! It's crazy how much I am able to feel him move and all of his kicks. He's definitely getting stronger! It's odd to see my belly jump! My little popcorn is just a' poppin'! Morning Sickness has returned...yay! :( I actually broke out in hives this week from being sick! It was quite embarrassing. The doc gave me something for the terrible heart burn I've been having and he seems to think it's the acid reflux that is making me sick again. Hopefully, that'll cure it! I still haven't gained very much but I'm sure that will come back to bite me. Colin LOVES potatoes. He LOVES carbs period!! Wow, even as I am writing this, he is kicking me! Anytime that I am still, he begins to practice his soccer kicks.
Housing Update: We are stressed. We are tired. We are frustrated. We no longer have patience. We are moving forward. We I am very hard to please I believe. We are both a little stuck on this short sale house but we both are definitely fed up with waiting on this deal to go through. Our little boy WILL have a home. I was ready to move out of this apt. before we even moved in so you can imagine how anxious I am at this point to move. Time is running out and we don't want to waste anymore time so we are currently looking at other options. Meaning, we've got a realtor and we are checking out homes! We went this past Saturday and we went last night. We are going again this upcoming Saturday. Pray that we will find something that we love and is just perfect for us or this short sale house will come through for us. I know God has a plan and it will be shown to us in His time. I keep trying to remind myself of this but it's quite hard not to get discouraged when you receive E-mail after E-mail for almost 5 months that asks you to continue to wait. Interest rates are going up and we are losing out if this doesn't go through for us. I pray for patience, understanding, and direction.
Papa news: I didn't put it on here but right before Christmas, my Papa was diagnosed with Esophagus Cancer. The doctor was telling us that it did not look good. Luckily, his scan came back and showed that cancer had not spread elsewhere. However, my Papa is not himself and the things that he says makes little to no sense. We are very worried about him and his health. He is scheduled to go to Charleston and from there we will find out what the next step is. Prayers are definitely needed for him and the family.
So the South was covered in snow again! Just not as south as we are!! No snow here at the beach. Brendan and I were looking forward to hitting up the beach to see snow. Oh well! We did have ice though here. I've gotta tell ya...I am definitely looking forward to spring/summer. This cold, cold weather is not for this southern belle! My kids have been going insane with no recess. This makes for one crazy teacher. Today, I had 3 kids go home with sad faces, 1 with a straight face, and about 6 with only a happy face- no star. This is not normal of my kids! We need warmer temps!!
This is all I've gotten for now. I'll try to post a baby bump picture because apparently this week I look very pregnant. So I've been told. I also get asked at least 5 times a day- How are you feeling? I have such sweet, caring co-workers.
Posted by Jenn at 5:08 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Alas, a NAME!
Brendan and I have been making a list of names that we liked since BEFORE we were even pregnant. It was very frustrating because every name I liked- he didn’t and every name he liked- I didn’t. So our list was SHORT. After book, after book, after book- I kid you not, at LEAST 6 books of looking at names/meanings we have finally come to a name. And do you know, after looking in all of those books, the name we chose was not one that we discovered via the books. We had this name listed PRE baby- PRE pregnancy really! When we got pregnant, Brendan said “you know that name is not set in stone” which I was a little disappointed in because I loved the name!
Once we found out we were expecting a BOY, the name list was narrowed down. We had every intention of keeping it a secret until Baby was born because a name I liked once was ripped apart by some folks and I was a little heart broken by it. However, now that we ARE expecting a little BOY, we are not budging on his name. We LOVE the name that we have chosen and see no reason to keep it in when we could get things monogrammed and cute-sified. I create words, ya know this right?
So we had 2 names- the one we originally picked and then one other name. We couldn’t decide. Because A) I wanted the original name we picked and B) Brendan wanted the other name. Brendan came up with the idea to include our parents which I was hesitant at first but then I really just wanted our kid to have name already. I had already been calling him by his name. – The name I wanted. So Brendan’s parents voted, my mom voted, and we voted and the outcome is:
Colin Michael
I love it! We love it! Michael is after Colin’s dad. Brendan’s middle name is the same. Colin we loved! It’s an Irish name. Neither one of us know a Colin which was my BIG thing- no crazily common names like JENNIFER. geez!, I bet I know 20 Jennifer’s.
Our son has a name! Luckily, it IS the name I've been calling him! We are excited to share it with everyone. It will only change if all of a sudden Colin becomes crazy popular. I’ve never taught a Colin though!
Posted by Jenn at 4:32 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
I'm annoyed by....
- People who leave their Christmas Decorations up after New Year's
- No Shame Nose Pickers
- When there are 2 turning lanes and a driver is in the left one when he should be in the right and cuts you off. PUNK!
- Cars with Christmas Wreaths. Really, Guys? I get in the holiday spirit but wreaths do not belong on cars.
- My Brown Thumb. The impossible to kill plant ...HA!, I totally murdered it! It's quite sad because I love flowers and plants. They just do not return the feeling.
- Waking up before 8 on the weekend. It never fails! Why Monday- Friday I can sleep the entire day when I'm not able to but come Saturday I'm up at 7:30?!
- Getting called out for enunciating words when I sing. Thanks B!
- when a pimple becomes a sore
- cold sores. kids are cruel.
- peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for breakfast. ( this happens at work- my kiddos get this for breakfast and the smell of PB makes me want to vomit)
- certain clothes only look good on skinny minnies
- When people don't use their turn signal.
- litter bugs. Litter trashes everyone, folks!
- going to sleep with the TV on
- what little variety there is to eat for breakfast on the go. pop tart, bagel, toast, danish, dry cereal.
- when someone gets out of their car and they've parked in a Handicap space and they are jogging across the street to get into the store. ALSO those who misuse the handicap space.
- The "fake run" people do when they are walking in front of your vehicle. Seriously, you're walking and moving your arms as if you were running/jogging, who are you trying to kidd?
- Gas Station bathrooms. Ewwww.
- having to tinkle at least 2 times a night. The other night it was 5.
- people who seriously believe or go along with celebrity's opinions/thoughts..especially concerning politics.
- being left out
- Ferrell's breath and knotty hair
Posted by Jenn at 7:31 PM 1 comments
Monday, January 3, 2011
Holly Jolly Time
Kevin and Aggie
Thanks Aunt Gina and Aunt Megan!
Kev was confused. We got him a gift certificate but we tried to be sneaky and packed it with a 5lb bag of sugar. He was excited because it was a heavy gift. hehee!!
Christmas morning and look who’s make up and hair is done. Notice: If you look up at the pic of me in my red shirt. I was allowed to get dressed but no make up or hair.
This was Randy the entire day: on the phone.
Every time I am in Motherhood trying on clothes, he picks this book up and reads. I told mom and so she bought him this book. It’s quite humorous but definitely meant for the dad and NOT the mom.
Kami, who did not want to participate in my picture taking.
It’s depressing how much older my Kay Bug is getting. Look! She’s catching up to me in height! I know it doesn’t take much but she’s supposed to be 3 NOT 10!
Random shot of The Talty’s
I would just like to point out Danny’s socks. 1 black and 1 white. He received some matching ones for Christmas. Whoa! I didn’t know I could make smiley faces!
Ohh this is fun now.
k, I’m done.
Uncle Danny’s too cool for words Piggy Bank for Baby Talty! Thanks Uncle Danny!!!
My husband is so good looking!! I swear, if this little one looks like his daddy and acts like his mommy (haha, I’ve got to have my bit in there!) , He is going to be a heart breaker!
Day after Christmas.
The next few photos are Brendan playing around with the newest addition to our little family: Our Camera.
Posted by Jenn at 6:52 PM 1 comments