Kevin and Aggie
Thanks Aunt Gina and Aunt Megan!
Kev was confused. We got him a gift certificate but we tried to be sneaky and packed it with a 5lb bag of sugar. He was excited because it was a heavy gift. hehee!!
Christmas morning and look who’s make up and hair is done. Notice: If you look up at the pic of me in my red shirt. I was allowed to get dressed but no make up or hair.
This was Randy the entire day: on the phone.
Every time I am in Motherhood trying on clothes, he picks this book up and reads. I told mom and so she bought him this book. It’s quite humorous but definitely meant for the dad and NOT the mom.
Kami, who did not want to participate in my picture taking.
It’s depressing how much older my Kay Bug is getting. Look! She’s catching up to me in height! I know it doesn’t take much but she’s supposed to be 3 NOT 10!
Random shot of The Talty’s
I would just like to point out Danny’s socks. 1 black and 1 white. He received some matching ones for Christmas. Whoa! I didn’t know I could make smiley faces!
Ohh this is fun now.
k, I’m done.
Uncle Danny’s too cool for words Piggy Bank for Baby Talty! Thanks Uncle Danny!!!
My husband is so good looking!! I swear, if this little one looks like his daddy and acts like his mommy (haha, I’ve got to have my bit in there!) , He is going to be a heart breaker!
Day after Christmas.
The next few photos are Brendan playing around with the newest addition to our little family: Our Camera.
Thanks for sharing your day with us. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Love,
Aunt Colleen and Uncle Tony
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