Tuesday, March 22, 2011

33 Weeks Y'all!!

Where has the time went?! Ask my husband and he'll tell you I've been pregnant forever. Ask me and I'll tell you I feel like I just found out we were expecting. However, I am both very ready and completely and totally NOT ready. Strange how that is. Today we had our Dr.'s appointment and we will now be going to the Dr. every week. From 4 weeks to 2 and now down to 1.  When we went in, it was very routine but then they asked me about Colin's movement and I told them when I felt him the most which is in the morning and at night.  I guess this concerned them some because then I had to take a Non Stress Test. A doppler was attached to my belly, I drank Pepsi, and pressed a "jeopardy button" every time he moved.  He was even shocked once because he didn't want to move.  Then we had an ultra sound done to check the fluid.  Turns out, I have A LOT of fluid and this is why I'm not feeling little man as much as I used to feel him. He has so much fluid around  him that he could wave his arm and I wouldn't feel a thing.  Which the Dr. said was just fine and that baby boy is very healthy but to always let them know when I'm not feeling his movements.  I just assumed it was because he had no room to move! So all is good although with the unexpected test, I was getting concerned! Thank the good Lord, everything is A-okay!  We only have 5-7 weeks before our Colin enters this world.  Are we ready for that?!  I know he's safe in me!  I sure hope we will be great parents for our little man. 

This weekend, Brendan and I finished a project that we have been working on for quite some time.  We are pleased with the outcome!  I do not always like to do what is most popular..the block letters for instance.  Don't get me wrong.....I love the block letters.  I think they are beautiful but I always have to try to throw my twist on things so it's just a little different. So Brendan and I came up with the idea that we would look around in nature or architecture.  As it turned out, we went more with the beach theme.  His room really has no theme....more of a color.  Brendan loves nature pictures and so we thought this was fitting for our son.  We want to do this but with architecture for our last name and frame it.  Any who, we are pretty excited about our finished project and we really did work hard on it.  It's now above our son's crib!

The C is foam from the ocean.  The O is done in sea shells.  The L is written in the sand. The I was a stick that was floating in the ocean. The N was from the Dunes. We could only find a frame with 4 or 6 pictures. Apparently 5 is just not available so we added his sweet picture to the last one.


Anonymous said...

My previous post mentioned the loving and talented family who will be welcoming Colin; let me add creative to that list. Very creative idea. Love,
Aunt Colleen

Anonymous said...

bed bath and beyond has 5...but i love it with his picture!! so happy for yall
