Wednesday, April 20, 2011

And we're now at 37 weeks

These posts are getting more and more difficult to get to. I do not think I have ever been this tired. I do nothing and am exhausted from it! I've enjoyed my Spring Break so much thus far! We've had excellent company and will get more in a few days!  I'm quite excited about our guests! We get "home sick" here at the beach and very much welcome visitors. The weather here has been A-MAZING! 80 degrees and UP. Our AC is now on. woo hoo!  I've been hot lately and breaking out into a sweat! Hormones!  I am very thankful that I will not be pregnant during a South Carolina summer.  I'm swelling up now; I can't imagine what I would look like when it's 95 out and the humidity is insane! I would be a marshmellow.  Yea! Exactly that.  As pale as I am...a marshmellow is just the right word!

So today we went to the doctor for our weekly appointment and Colin's heart rate was 154. Last week it was 127. It fluctuates so it's normal. I have only dialated 1 cm but I am 50% effaced. We're getting there! It could be like that for a while.  Let's hope not! Our doctor said it could be next week OR the next! We're waiting and anticipating! Just taking it week by week.

At this point in our pregnancy:
Colin enjoys being on my left side.
My left hip is killing me.
My right foot is twice the size of my left.
Colin gets the hiccups a lot!
His kicks are HARD and they hurt a little!
He has "dropped" some.
He's still in "postion". 
I think I should set up camp in the bathroom. I am constantly tinkling!
The bottom portion of my belly is very tender.
Colin likes to put his behind in my ribs.
We are actually able to tell that it's his behind.  I think he is his mama's child when it comes to that dept. :)
He still does not like Peanut Butter but loves gummy bears.
He enjoys music.
He wakes up at 5 am.

I ask that you please pray for my team at work. I am so blessed to work with such wonderful ladies. I'm so worried that my maternity leave will be stressful to them. I just hope I've done enough in preparing my students and my plans for my substitute. Also, a dear friend is going through something that I just couldn't imagine and my heart is heavy and she is in my constant prayers. 

Pictures to come soon of The Talty's visit!! I say that, but in reality, in may not be that soon considering I have become the laziest person on the planet.