Tuesday, June 21, 2011

2 years ago...

plus 1 day, Brendan and I were married! Yesterday we celebrated 2 years of wedded bliss. Well, we're actually celebrating this weekend thanks to my mom coming and looking after little man. A task I'm sure she's dreading!  ha! not!

Hard to believe sometimes that its only been 2 years! Then there are other times where I think: Wow, we're already at 2 years! So much has happened in the 2 years we've been married! We've suffered loss, a big move, new jobs, and now our first born.  Through it all, one thing remains the same- we are still totally in love with one another. With the loss of my dad, we grew even closer.  Brendan really helped me through and continues to help me as I mourn for my dad.  With the move, we only had each other really, and we grew closer again.  It amazes me that even though I was totally in love with my husband before we married and didn't think it possible that I could love him anymore, I do.  It just continues to grow.

Don't worry, I'm not going to get all sappy on here.  I just wanted to say Happy Anniversary to my sweet husband who with every year has shown me the true meaning of love.  I appreciate all that you do for me and our family.  I married an incredible guy and at this moment, I couldn't be more blessed!


Jillian Poston said...

I love this!! kinda made me tear up!