Friday, November 1, 2013

Playing catch up

2013 041This summer Colin took swim lessons. It was basically to help him learn how to swim to the side of a  pool if in danger and to not be afraid of the water. Colin was more interested in the toys in the pool than the instructor.

2013 052Cousin Kaleigh

2013 054Cousin Beth

2013 060Aunt Teresa

2013 064We also bought home protection. I was not allowed to shoot/practice while I was pregnant so this was my first time shooting our gun. Watch out now! SmileBy the way, this was 1 month post partum…don’t judge. lol

2013 034

2013 090

2013 0942013 127

2013 151At 5 months, Declan loves/can do: Rolls everywhere, very ticklish on his belly, has 2 teeth now!, is such a happy baby, hasn’t gotten this sleeping through the night thing down!, eats cereal, tried green beans ( as if they were lemons), has been on his first family vacation( pics to come), adores his daddy, has the shriekest, ear piercing cry!!, is a totally different baby from his brother, really likes to be held or on the floor so he can roll!, flirts!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. Declan certainly does look like a happy little baby. Cute fall pictures too. Nothing like a family fall day out. Love,
Aunt Colleen