I hope everything works out for the best and our beautiful home sells quickly and we can find one that we love just as much! This rental has (and continues to be) a big pain! The week we were supposed to move, it got crazy freezing cold in the south! Pipes burst and flooded the floors causing water damage and the only floor currently in tact on the bottom floor is the living room. You can imagine how fun it is to keep a crawling baby who follows his big brother around everywhere confined!
Anywho, I know this will pass!
On a bright note, Colin started 2 year old preschool! He goes for a few hours twice a week and seems to be the youngest in his class. So far he really seems to enjoy it and embarrasses me when it's time to go bc he throws a fit to stay. This kid is NOT a home body! Anywhere but home is Colin! We went in to observe the school, he took his coat off, kissed me, and said bye mommy! I think my heart fell to the floor! I wanted to cry right there but I waited until I got into the car. I'm proud of him but seriously??! Would it have hurt him to act a little sad?!
In Declan news, he's got 8 teeth now!! Pulling up and letting go! It tickles him silly when he stands without holding onto anyone or anything. We go next week to an ENT specialist. He's had the same war infection since November!
Just a few pics of the boys (who I swear are brothers even though Declan looks nothing like B, C, or me!)
Congrats on the move. So AWESOME that you are home with the boys!! Love,
Aunt Colleen
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