Monday, February 17, 2014

Another proud moment!

Sooooooooo I've always asked Colin if he'd like to go to the potty and once in a blue moon I would get  an okay! So I started noticing that he was holding himself when he went potty in his diaper. I made a big deal Saturday and talked up this whole pee pee in the potty bit! And what do you know?? It worked!!!  My big boy went accident free on his first real day of potty training!! Yesterday, he had an accident and today he did as well but mostly we are using the potty!!!! I am so super proud!!!! Of course all of this would happen after I just bought and opened some diapers! It's okay...not likewe don't   have another one that will need  them! Anywho, this is big and exciting news in our house and we couldn't be more proud!! 


Anonymous said...

Wow! Way to go Colin!! Such a big boy. On to big boy, super hero wears;-) Love,
Aunt Colleen