Saturday, September 10, 2011

Colin is 4 months!

Look at my sweet boy!! He's growing way too fast! He has his 4 month checkup yesterday including shots. Booo! Tears were shed again but not quite as bad as last time.  Colin weighed in at 16.8 lbs (75th percentile) and 26 inches long (90th percentile). 

Just some new things about little man:  His personality is starting to show! He is such a flirt and a happy baby! He smiles at everyone and giggles now!! He can roll over from back to tummy and tummy to back. Although he prefers back to tummy. He holds his head up so well and can take toys from my hands. He has successfully put his passy in his mouth a few times!  He loves his sitter, Mrs. Leslie and he loves the children she keeps.  They all love him too which makes this mama so proud and happy. Last week was the first time I did not cry leaving him. Tuesday doesn't count because we had a long weekend together. :)   Colin also loves to talk and I'm hoping "ma ma/ da da" are in his very near future!  He also loves his hands! He is always sticking them in his mouth- occasionally gagging himself.  He can eat cereal very well and last night he got a little bit of squash last night for the first time and loved it! Daddy doesn't like that he's so messy when he eats. Mommy thinks it's funny and adorable to mommy does the feeding most of the time!  Bath time is so much fun! I usually get pretty wet from all the splashes! No teeth yet but Colin is a drooling machine! We go through at least 5 bibs a day!  Colin makes his family so proud! Also- he is getting told quite a bit that he is looking more and more like his mommy and his mommy is growing a big head. haha  I just happen to think he is gorgeous so I'll take that compliment! haha Well, my happy boy wants me to come play and there is no saying no to him- for now! :)


Aunt Maureen said...

Thanks for all of the updates.

One question; were the tears with the shots from Colin or Mommy? Maybe both? ;~}

Aunt Maureen