Friday, November 9, 2012

Sweet kisses from a sweet boy

Colin has got to be the most loving child I have ever met. He loves to give good sugar and hold my head still while giving me those smooches. He gives hugs to all of his friends at Mrs. Lesley's and always loves on his family. I am so thankful for such an affectionate little boy! This mama eats it up! I try as much as possible because I know one of these days those sweet kisses and hugs will just be uncool.


Anonymous said...

Sweet Colin learns from Mommy & Daddy, as well as all family around you guys. I can't wait until he starts flirting with waitresses in restaurants and sales people in stores. Or perhaps he has started already..

PS.. He was such a good sport about shopping at Parmatown Mall with me. Of course, the reward was corn dogs at the food court..

Aunt DeeAnn

Aunt Maureen said...

Yes, sweet boy ~ more pictures as proof for when those teen years arrive! ;~}

Aunt Maureen