Thursday, April 4, 2013


Colin Michael is his fathers child! Seriously, the child has no fear. Last week, he drove his power wheels down the stairs! He thinks he is made of rubber! However, he is the most loving little guy. He will stop playing just to give a kiss or a hug! He doesn't meet a stranger....this is not a quality his daddy possess so mommy will take credit for how friendly he is! We are just 1 short month away from our baby boy being 2 years old!! Where has the time gone?! Colin also loves to kiss his baby brother. Which we are also a month from meeting! He loves Elmo, cars. Choo choos, candy, Nutella, hotdogs, cheese, ogurt(yogurt), juice, making animal noises, copying his daddy, snuggling with his mommy, Mickey Mouse, riding his power wheels or Mickey mobile,walking like a dinosaur, baths, playing outside, the word no and mine, and making others laugh. He hates sleep, not being the center of attention, for mommy and daddy to sit down, having his diaper changed, sitting In a booster seat or high chair or shopping cart. He thinks he is a big kid.

Declan updates: hmm, did you even know the name? I'm not sure if I've posted the name yet or not. I know I haven't on Facebook, There are quite a few folks preggers and expecting a baby boy and I just didn't want my sweet boy's name snatched up! Today we had a doctors appointment and I left feeling a little sad! My doc has been pretty positive about my vbac option but today she wasn't as positive. Lucky for me, I married an amazing guy who knew exactly what to say to lift me up. I am currently dilated only 1 cm, measuring 3 weeks ahead, the baby has dropped, I'm feeling a lot of pressure and am totally at the miserable point with 4 more weeks to go. Next Thursday they are planning to do an ultrasound since I'm measuring 3 weeks ahead to see how big our boy is and to make sure he six head down which she thought he was but wanted to be positive with the ultrasound. I have a doula who I emailed once I got home and she put me at ease. So what if Declan is a big baby, I am still confident and determined to attempt my vbac! Please say a prayer for us. I'm so worried ill be told no. That would really break my heart!

B update: Brendan is crazy busy at work and super stressed so please say a prayer for him! He is also approaching a birthday!! He's been a grump with this crazy weather we've been having.....he wants to get in the yard and work but its either too windy or too wet or expected to rain the next day.

Me update: currently on spring break with Colin! I've been spoiled with all this time with him. It's going to be hard to give him back up to Mrs. Lesley on Monday morning. We won't discuss that! Like I said I'm pretty miserable. It's hard to sit its painful! Also having bad hip pain. I've turned into an 80 year old who has hip problems and has to sit on a donut. Traveling even down the road is excruciating! I never had this with Colin. I go to the chiropractor but he said unfortunately until I give birth there's really nothing that can help. Awesome. My plan is to work until I can't.....ahhhhhh 4 more weeks. Wow.

So that's really all I can think of at the moment. Sorry again for not updating as much! Our computer needs a battery and it has our pictures on it so that's partly why I've been slack but honestly, it's lack of time too!


Aunt Maureen said...

Thanks for all of the exciting updates!

Hang in there!

Aunt Maureen

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