Monday, September 27, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy!

It’s not actually today but Wednesday, September 29.  I’m not sure how Wednesday is going to go for myself or my family.  I do ask that you keep us  in your thoughts and prayers as we remember him daily but especially on his Birthday.   It’s still so incredibly hard to believe and sometimes even to still deal with.  I use the words deal with because it’s dealt with almost on a daily basis coming to terms with everything.  Things have gotten better: I don’t cry as often or expect him to call as much as I used to but I still have my moments where it’s just not real to me.  It amazes me that I still look for  missed calls/texts/voicemails on my phone from him knowing that they are not going to be there but still expecting them.


So on this day, my dad gets to celebrate with the One who created him and I couldn’t imagine a more divine birthday party than the one my dad is having.  I love and miss him dearly!


Happy Birthday Papa Smurf!


Love always,

Your little Smurfette!


Ashlyn said...

What a sweet post! Thinking of you!