Sunday, December 2, 2012

Baby Sis or Baby Bro?

It's hard to believe how quickly time flies! We will (if sweet little baby cooperates) find out the gender of our second child this upcoming Thursday! December 6. My appointment is at 3:00. It's only fair that I post a poll up predicting the gender as I did with our first born. By the way, on that poll, majority said boy and well, obviously, the majority was right. Brendan was 100% correct! I was not so right. Although I did say I was not so sure! Brendan has his opinion this go around and just like us- I do not agree. However, I question myself since he was SO positive last time and that turned out just like he said. I am not posting quite yet what we think! I will post that maybe Wednesday evening. By the way, today was the first real day that I have been 100% certain that I have felt sweet pea moving! (S)he has been quite active!! Maybe it was the Cherry Pepsi I had at lunch. Or perhaps (s)he was enjoying baking cookies with mommy and daddy. Either way, my belly is having a solo dance party!! Back to the reason of the blog, I will try to post either Thursday night or Friday sometime the answer to whether Colin will have a new baby sister or brother! We are so stinking excited!! This will be our first and possibly only ultrasound!! It has been difficult not being able to see our little sweet pea! Okay, so let the voting begin!


Mimi said...

I believe we need a current photo...front, side and back to be able to make an educated decision

Anonymous said...

My vote simply due to the Talty genes with boys.. not a preference either way. We are all going to be so very thrilled for yet another little one.

Time for me to figure about time off from new job and get to SC for a much needed visit.

Aunt DeeAnn