Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Stay Summer STAY!

Update on the job hunt: Well, I've accepted a position as a long term substitute in 1st grade at a really great school. Everyone seems to be excited but I can't help but to be a little disappointed. This is not what I went to school for and it's not what I really want. I want my own classroom with my own set of students. But I guess I should be grateful to have a job seeing as to how jobs are being scarce. Hopefully something good will come up and I'll get a job doing what I love best!

Summer is going by entirely too fast! I've got vacation coming up at the beach which I'm excited about! I miss the beach! I wish we lived a lot closer to the ocean. In Dillon, I could just pick up and go for the day. Columbia- 3 hours away so can't just pick up and go for the day!

Everyone is vacationing this week so I'm at home bored! I've been watching Lost. Trying to see what the bg fuss is. I've completed season 1. It's ashame right? Too much tv will rot your brain out. SO I am reading too. hehee I'm currently reading 2 books. ((Trying to make up for the rotting of my brain))

I've also been playing housewife. Which, the cooking and baking part is fun...not the rest. I'm bored at you can prob. tell with my season 1 and 2 books. Brendan put the hammock up for me so at least I have a nice little spot for reading.

I have also been missing home. We are going this Saturday. We're double dating. :o) My mom, Randy, Brendan, and I are going to dinner and then to the theatre to see Aladdin, the play. My good friend, Joey, who sang in our wedding, is the Genie. We're excited to see him in action!!

Well, I am going to go lay in our hammock and read My Sister's Keeper. Then, I'm going to start dinner for my hubby! That is SOO fun to say!!