Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Sure, that's a play off of Bakerella! I have always-well, since Brendan and first started dating, loved to cook. Baking particularly. However, I consider myself to be pretty new to the cooking world. I'm always trying out new recipes and poor Brendan is always the guinea pig. Lately, I've tried fajitas and it was a sucess! I even made fajitas during our vacation and my family gobbled them up!

Tonight I am trying something new. I am stewing potatoes and sauted onions (Thanks Randy!) and cubed steak. We shall see how that turns out. Brendan informed me that cubed steak is not a good meat but seriously!, how was I to know?! I bought it so I'm cooking it and that's that. No need in wastin' it!

My point is, if you have great recipes that are fairly simple or have few ingredients- send them my way! Please! Well, I've gotta go and finish getting dinner ready before my husband gets home!