Monday, August 10, 2009

So long summer!

Summer vacation is coming to an end. I start working Wednesday. Summer sure flew by! But oddly enough, our wedding seems like so long ago! I want to rewind it! Especially back to our honeymoon where we were totally catered to!

This past weekend was tax free weekend here in South Carolina and Brendan and I took advantage of it and purchased ourselves a new printer! We needed one badly. We did have a nice one but we made the mistake of going to one of those refill your ink cartridge places and ever since then, our printer has taken a leave of absence. So what's the first thing I print off of our new printer you ask! Well, since all of my books (children's books) have "This book belongs to Miss Cox" on them, I printed off new labels that say......... you guessed it! "This book belongs to MRS. TALTY" Except it's not in all caps! Fun stuff! I also printed off address labels with a 3 leaf clovers on them for us Talty's to celebrate the Irish heritage!

This past Saturday, we met up with my old teacher colleagues for a fun cook out! We had a lot of fun and it was great seeing everyone again!

Our weekends are pretty full for the remainder of August! Next weekend, a few friends and myself are throwing a luau shower for 2 of our friends who are getting married. So I'm pretty busy in preparation for that. Then the following weekend, we have my Great Grandma's 90th Birthday party and a farewell party for a friend of ours. I enjoy being busy though!

Well, I just wanted to give a quick update on things although there is not too much to update on! Brendan has a softball game tonight that I hope I can make! I am meeting with the girls to discuss the luau this Saturday and not sure how long that will take. Hopefully, I'll make it!