Thursday, April 14, 2011

40-4= 36 weeks!

Yesterday, we had our weekly doctor appointment and I did not get to hear those sweet, sweet words that I so desperately wanted to hear which were "Any day now!" Meaning, the last week of April I would be induced. Maybe next week they'll be a change!! haha  Dr. Price said that everyone says that but as soon as he gives a date, I'll want to push it back.  I am not sure if I fall in that category because I am READY! I am ready for my hip to start hurting, my body to stop growing, morning sickness to END, and of course to see, hold, smell, kiss, and snuggle with our son. The last one really should go without saying!

I am measuring ahead again. When I asked, the nurse said "Definitely!" Not sure how much ahead though. I asked but then the doctor came in and was ready to do his thing so I never got an answer. She also said while measuring me "Girl, you're about to pop." Which I am. I feel like I am. Seriously, how much more can a belly grow?!  How in the world did Kate carry 6 babies in that belly of hers?! Bless her heart!! Bless her body because OUCHHHHHHHH!!  Let's see what else did we learn....Oh yea, I gained 5lbs in a week. I knew it would catch up with me. I'm not complaining because I know it's a good thing to gain while pregnant!  Also they are thinking the week of May 2 will be when Colin comes into this world.  He may share a birthday with his Aunt Jessica or with my other half, Jillian!

Tomorrow marks my last day of work.  Tonight will be the last time that I manually turn on an alarm to wake up until August. I'm a little sad! I'm going to miss my sweeties!! Although this week, they haven't been my sweet, sweet babies! But you know, it's been a while since we've had a break and they need one just as much as us teachers! Tuesday, I had a baby shower at work and got such wonderful things.  God has truly blessed us and knew exactly where he was placing us although it was difficult for us.  I am super excited to be at a school that I love with people that I love and students that I love!  What a blessing to have a job that I love!!

This past Saturday, we celebrated Griffin's 1st Birthday!  Can't believe this little guy is already 1! I remember so vividly waiting for him! It's scary to think that this time next year we'll be planning our little's 1st Birthday Party!  Happy 1st Birthday to Griffin who I know has made the world a little brighter just by being in it.

He did not like it when Mommy put his hands in the cake. It was very cute to the rest of us though.

My Team Members! Minus Brandi who was out that day.
Christy, Melissa ( my assistant), Colin and I, Katie, and Marlene = The sugary, sweetest ladies you'll ever meet!


The Talty's said...

LOVING the sound of Aunt Jessica :) and Aunt Jessica would be honored to share a birthday with that sweet boy! Mimi and Camden share April 2nd...why not?! ;)
I sure do love you SIL and am praying for yours and Bren's final days just the two of you! You guys will be amazing parents! Nothing compares to the initial meeting of your first born--so excited for you both!

Ashlyn said...

Girl, can't believe your time is almost here! I just can't wait! And your comments about Griffin were too sweet. It was so special for yall to come. Love the pictures and love you too! See you VERY soon :)