Thursday, April 28, 2011

38 Weeks and possibly the last post before Baby Boy Comes.

Let's hope and pray! Yesterday we went to the doctor again with high hopes or well...medium size hopes of being admitted that day.  We are just so anxious to meet this little man! Also, mommy just wants to be able to sleep on her tummy/back/basically any position that she wants to!  The night before I got very little sleep as Colin decided to stay up all night long and practice his soccer kicks and/or boxing moves. This kid is strong!! I'm hoping it's strength and not SIZE.  :)  So yesterday my nerves were all in knots thinking and hoping (somewhat) that today would be the day. Obviously, yesterday was not the day.

There really hasn't been much change.  They checked my fluid and ran another Non Stress Test on me.  He wasn't moving much yesterday but I'm sure he was sleeping as he moved the entire night before.Everything checked out good. We go back first thing Monday morning and from there a date is decided but it will be without a doubt next week. I get a little nauseas when I say or think that the time is here.  I've been walking trying to get this baby boy to drop some more. I wonder if a pregnant woman has ever had her ribs broken by her unborn child?  I wouldn't doubt it. So Monday, I may be able to post and let you know if Monday is THE DAY or Tuesday or Wednesday...etc.  I've semi-learned how to post via my phone but I highly doubt that if I get admitted, blogging will be at the top of my list of things to do.

Keep us in your thoughts and prayers.  I'm not sure what to expect and the unknown is always a little scary.

I was thinking that I am way past due to post pictures of the house.  I will get to that one of these days.  We are still in the process of unpacking and I'm sure we will be for quite some time.  However, for now, it does look like a home. I will try to post pictures sometime this millenium. ;-)

P.S. Tylenol PM rocks. I actually slept through most of the night last night.

P.P.S. Check out the lastest addition to my List of Blogs over there >  My cousin, Donna Kay has started her photography business and she's taking amazing pictures! She's coming to MB at the end of May!


Unknown said...

These last days always seem so long! But when that moment comes and Colin arrives you will be amazed at how quickly time starts flying by! So, as miserable as some of the last moments of pregnancy can be, try to savor them. You will be trying to slow down time once he is here and in your arms - not wanting him to grow up! I can't wait to see him (and you being a Mommy!) and get pics of him!