Wednesday, November 17, 2010


This year has definitely been both a wonderful and trying year.  I've experienced so much heartache but have also received so many blessings.  Thanksgiving is a time where we give thanks and so I just wanted to share what I am thankful for.

When my dad passed away, I received so much love, prayers and support from so many people.  I am so thankful and blessed for all of the kind words, prayers, and thoughts that were sent to me and my family.

I am so incredibly thankful for my husband.  He puts up with my crankiness, deals with my constant repeat of dinner(yakkin'), reads with me, and for his love and excitement over our little "bun in the oven". I am so thankful that he is already a concerned daddy!

I am thankful for my family- both old and new and wonderful friends.  Family and friends are so important and it is so important to make and cherish as many moments as you can with one another.  I am so blessed to have married into an amazing family!

My sweet, sweet kids who not only make my job fulfilling, but so much fun! Their personalities, hugs, I love yous, smiles, excitement to share any and everything, their ability to get along SO well with one another and love each other so much, and their little minds that just soak up information like a little sponge, for making me see the small victories and celebrate them like it's a holiday!  I love them!

A job!! I am so thankful for a job that I love with people that I love!

For God's hand in our lives. - For making this move to MB a smooth transition!

Thankful that we MAY have a house SOON!!!

And lastly, this goes truly without saying, but I am so amazingly thankful and blessed to be carrying a small life inside of me.  I'm thankful for Baby's heart beat, for making my belly grow, for making me sick,sick, sick because I hear that, that means Baby is healthy, For all of the excitement and love this is bringing to Brendan and I and our families.

Hope everyone has a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving! 


Brandon and Emily said...

We are so happy for you guys to have had such an amazing year! The next will be even MORE special too! Hopefully we will see you guys soon and have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving!!!