Sunday, February 13, 2011

We've got a closing date!!

It's happening!! We're moving!! Again.  You know I was just thinking about how many times I have moved in the past 5 or so years. And I counted it...Want to know the number? - this will be the 4th.  Wanna know how many times since I've graduated high school? - This will be the 8th.  i yi yi!  I sure hope we're done for a while!

Oh right. So the part that actually drew you into reading this entry. A closing date HAS been established! A walk through will be done on Wednesday and if everything looks good- closing on Friday!!! Which means we'll be moving out of this apartment on Saturday and the following weekend, we would head up to Cola to get the rest of our things!! Goodbye Gigantor upstairs shim neighbor!! We've got a house!!!!  Last week we ordered Colin's furniture and we've got to paint and get his room ready.  That is top priority for me...which is probably a little silly considering I can't do much.  That's right, feel sorry for us and come and help! haha Just kidding.  Thank you guys for all of the prayers and love and support in our endeavors to move and to find a place to call home.  I honestly think once we're settled, it will feel more like home.  Everyone keeps asking how do you like living at the beach. Well, we're living out of boxes right now so not very much! haha  But that will soon change and we can give a better answer to that question.