Wednesday, April 7, 2010


We headed to Florence this past Saturday to spend Easter with my family. Saturday, we went to this Hibachi restuarant where I tried sushi for the first time and absolutely loved it!! FYI- do NOT take me to all you can eat buffets. This place had sushi, a place where you could pick your food and they would grill it in front of you (like at Japanese restuarants, and the all you could eat and anything and everything on the buffet. This would be including crawfish, pizza, octopus...umm yes, I meant everything. The weather was amazing but we do have to complain about the yellow snow..I mean pollen that completely covered my car!

Mom along with Aunt Teresa made a fantastic Easter dinner. Well, we say dinner but it was actually lunch. On Sundays, lunch is called dinner because we eat a big lunch on Sundays after church. Brendan thinks this is weird, but every Sunday, I cook a dinner style lunch and for dinner...well, I don't cook because we eat let overs! OR I do. Brendan is not a left over eating guy so he usually makes himself a hotdog or something. Man, can I jump subjects or what? haha We left Florence too early because Brendan had softball practice on EASTER SUNDAY. Which I thought wasn't right but that was probably just because I wasn't ready to leave. I always have a hard time leaving my mom.  More to come! When I find the time! ahhh this working woman is TIRED!  It took me 2 days to complete this entry!