Friday, April 30, 2010

Tough Day

Today has started off a little rough. I had my first dream last night about Dad.  Even in the dream I was quite upset. This is still really hard to swallow, so please still keep me as well as my family in your thoughts.  Some days, I feel like I am going to survive this and be okay and then others, my chest literally tightens with heartache.  I miss him so incredibly much.  I AM blessed to have had my dad for 26 years.

Also today would have been my MeMa's 62nd Birthday.  Happy Birthday to my amazing grandmother who helped to raise me and teach me mini life lessons.  She was an incredible woman and I miss her dearly.

However rough the day, I know I can get through it.  I have been blessed with an incredible husband who knows all the right things to do and say to get me to smile or laugh.


The Talty's said...

You do continue to be in our prayers. Don't fear, Cole would NEVER let us forget to pray for Aunt Jenn and her Daddy! We love you and pray that the peace of Christ would continue to fill your heart with joy where there is sorrow!

MomPam said...

Baby girl!
Dont be sad! I know it is hard and you are going to have hard days! But know that your dad and your mema are watching from Heaven and are so proud of YOU! You are an amazing woman! And one day will be an incrediable mom. Please dont ever forget I am only a phone call away and can be there in no time!! I love you more than life!