Thursday, May 27, 2010

Exhaustion Wins.

I don't know what it is, but I have been crazy tired lately. Like, I'm ready to get into the bed before 9 pm. Also, there just aren't enough hours in the day for me to get accomplished all that I want to get done. This week, I have even found it difficult to find time to open the mail.  Bless my poor plants hearts! Well, if they had hearts..they would be awfully sad for the neglection that I am doing.  To top it off, I have joined a gym...which is needed!  And hopefully will help me to get some energy back!  :)  I enjoy it!  I've taken this High/Low class which seriously kicked my butt and Zumba which is totally hot.  It's like salsa dancing almost.  I would feel totally hot doing this IF there weren't dang mirrors in front of me showing me how I look when I make these moves.

Also, I have become a people watcher while working out.  I find that it makes the time go by faster. Okay at this point I'm taking off my "polite shaw".  There is this lady at the gym which I kid you probably .5%  body fat and it's probably in her left big toe. She's like in her 50-60's and she gets does not stop moving.  If there is a class about to begin and the instructor is looking for a CD to put  in, she'll go get on the treadmill and run for 30 seconds.  The instructor will have 1 riser on her step...she'll have 3. Also, as much as she'd think she would be dripping with perspiration.  I don't think she sweats.  She's like this tiny, energetic, but quite annoying miracle.   OKay, my "polite shaw" will come back on. 

Tomorrow is my preschooler's graduation. Pray that everything will go smoothly!  Please say a little prayer for me that I gain a little more patience. I have new students that are really testing me and I'm trying not to bend em' over and spank them. JUST KIDDING!!!  My mama and daddy sure tore my hiney up if I misbehaved!  You don't see that now a days though! OKay, it is now 9:30 and it's amazing I've not crashed before now.