Monday, May 10, 2010

Locks of Love

As you probably know from reading my blog or in general from just knowing me, My MeMa was a huge part of my life and we were very close. She had colon cancer and unfortunately she passed away.  I decided after Brendan and I got married last summer that I was going to grow my hair out for locks of love in honor of her memory.  Needless to say, when my hair got longer ( as hair usually does)   hehee...ohh where was I?  Ohh yea, as my hair got longer, I started to love it long!  BUT, I remember when I was little ( around 1st grade)  due to the length and thickness of my hair, I started getting terrible migraines on a regular basis.  I inherited migraines from my PaPa and  still have them although  very rarely.  My doctor said the only thing I can do for mine is to "grow out of them".  Wow, I can get side tracked.  So my hair hasn't been this long since 1st grade was the point I was getting to.  The "growing out of them" thing must be true because my hair did not cause headaches.  However, I could braid or curl my hair.  I seriously loved it long.  I still had every intention of donating my hair to Locks of Love just knew I was going to be a little sad.  And I was...I did share some crocodile tears but I knew what I was doing was a good thing.

I made an appointment to get my hair trimmed- I got 12 inches cut off.  Some trim huh?!  haha  It's been so hot lately so during the appointment, I decided to just go ahead and do it! So I did it!  And I miss my hair but WOW, is it so much easier to deal with?!   I'm so glad I did it and hope to do it again some day! By the way, the needed amount for locks of love is 10 inches...I gave them 2 extra! :)

I wasn't really THAT sad. 

See?  :)   I gots my hair did!!!


Anonymous said...

Your hair looks beautiful. What a nice tribute to your grandmother. With 2 extra inches, and how thick your hair is, I'm sure you created much happiness with your sacrifice.
Aunt Colleen