Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

We have both been blessed with such wonderful mothers.  I truly value and love the relationship that my mother and I have and the relationship that I have with my Mother-in-law.   My mom has been such a supportive, encouraging mother.  Even now as I am a "grown up", she still cheers me on.  It's wonderful to see how we have transitioned into best friends.  We talk everyday and even though it's hard being apart from her, I am so glad to know she is always there if I need her and only a phone call away ( and an hour and some change down the road).  

It's so exciting- Mother's Day. This year especially because there is so much to be thankful for.  All of the new moms, and moms to be, and older's just crazy that we're at that stage where babies "consume our minds" and our friends are having children. It is too exciting!!  Case was brought into this world recently and so was Griffin.  It just fills my heart with such joy to see these precious babies.  Happy Mother's Day to all!!