Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Strawberry Pickin'

I am a country girl though and through.  I love muddy trucks, bare feet, sweet tea, country music, saying y'all, leaving the "g" off of "ing" words, and etc. etc. So it should be no surprise that I love to go strawberry pickin'.  I am on this total strawberry kick right now.  I eat them as a snack...I eat them for breakfast.  --Don't worry, I'm not going to get into a Sam I am kick on the strawberries--  But I have seriously been eating up some strawberries lately.   I've been bugging Brendan that I wanted to go pick strawberries for quite some time and during Mother's Day weekend, we went with Mom and Randy. While picking, we had a hard time filling the bucket because we kept just eating them from the patch but we did eventually fill our buckets.  We left there with red, sticky fingers and full strawberry bellies. :)   Kevin stayed back..seeing as to how sleeping all day sounded like a better idea to him.  :)