Saturday, February 6, 2010

Mission impossible was umm, well, impossible!

In my previous entry, I explained how I was going to try to manage to attend three teaching job fairs. Well, today was the day. I didn't get much sleep last night in anticipation and with my nerves all in a bunch. I tried to go to bed by 10 which ended up being about 12:00 ish then woke back up at 3 am then got back to sleep and woke up at 5 and never went back to sleep. Needless to say, I will definitely ne knocked out early tonight. It's probably a good thing Brendan won't be beside me sleeping tonight because I'm pretty sure I could out snore him tonight!

So around 7:30, I decided to just get up already and get ready. Brendan was awake too for some unknown reason. Maybe because he was excited about going camping tonight with his buddies? I think so! The first job fair began at 8:30 and was all of 15-20 minutes away. If you know me, then you know I'm not one of those girls that it takes an hour to get ready. More like 20-30 minutes. Plus, I shower at night because I don't like to go to bed feeling like I'm dirty in clean sheet. So I get there right when the doors are basically opening and the people are out the door lined up to get in there! OH WOWIE!! I mean seriously, I am already freaking out about both my time and the possibility that I won't be teaching AGAIN next school year. Okay so back to the story. I managed to talk to MAYBE 5 schools before I HAD to go. The next career fair, I had a scheduled interview time. So making a bad impression by being tardy was NOT going to happen. So I left the 1st job fair with hopes to return after the 2nd job fair and saddened that I wouldn't be able to attend the 3drd job fair. You following?

Okay, so I jump in my little RAV4 and make the 30 minute drive to my next fair. I was taken into a classroom and interviewed by a very nice lady who really made me feel comfortable and more like it was a conversation rather than an interview. The way she talked about her school, it really does seem like a wonderful place to be! Unfortunately, contracts will not go out until perhaps March or April so they really won't know about openings until then. Well, my interview took a while longer than ( another girl that was going through this said her friend came out of the interview and said it took only 20 minutes) I thought it to be...mine was about 40 minutes. Which I am hoping this is a great thing. I can't imagine that I am a good interviewee since my nerves get the best of me and I stumble on my words, but she made me feel at ease so *maybe* I did okay! :o) Positive thoughts, people! POSITIVE ONLY! :o) .....I should say please. please send nothing by positive thoughts my way. prayers are always welcomed as well. :)

At this point, the job fair I wanted to go back to will be ending in 30 minutes and it takes me 3o minutes to get to the site so unfortanely, I couldn't make it. SO I made half of my goal. Basically 1.5 . I hope my passion, dedication, and love for education shown through and I made an impact.

I really do ask that you keep me and my search for employment as a teacher in your prayers. It's just hard not being able to teach! If anything, this year has shown me just how much I value and love my job as a teacher.

I did manage to make it back in time however, to give my husband a couple of goodbye kisses along with a few " I'll miss you's". I mean it. I do miss him! How did I ever live in Florence while he lived here? I could NOT do that again.

My wonderful friend, Ashlyn and I went to see the movie Dear Job. I read the book last year and even thought it was JUST as good as The Notebook. Well, Hollywood made The Notebook into a wonderful movie ( of course not as good as the book, but is it ever?!) but Hollywood failed on this film. It just wasn't as good at all and they changed a lot of the story. You know the say, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" ? Well, err...why change something that is already outstanding? Just sayin'.

Sorry for such a long entry. It's 7:45 and I'm about to get ready for BED. I've's true. I'm not 25 anymore. 26 is taking its toll on me. hehee