Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Our First Anniversary

What a way to celebrate our 1 year anniversary!! No better way that cruising the Atlantic!

Wow! A year has passed so quickly! I seriously cannot believe that it has been a year since we've said "I do"  Although this has been a hard year, I know that I am blessed with an amazing husband and couldn't have survived it without the love and patience from Brendan. 

More and more each day, I love you.  Just when I think I'm completely full and couldn't love you anymore, I overflow just a little more.  I am so grateful that I continously fall deeper in love with you. I love spending every day with you and I love it when you call me "wife". Being your wife has been the best title I've had thus far!  :) Thank you for simply being the incredible person that you are! Elephant Shoes!!

Our Wedding Cake! We were really hoping that it would taste as good as it did a year ago!!

And it did actually taste pretty good! See our champagne glasses of MILK?  :)
Milk Mustaches..Brendan just couldn't get his to stay.
This year has been an incredible year as his wife and he as my husband.  I am so excited for the many more anniversaries to celebrate with each other.

((Cruise Pics to follow....eventually...hopefully soon...maybe even today....keyword here is maybe))


The Talty's said...

happy anniversary you little love birds! we love you guys and can't wait to see pictures from the cruise! love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary to both of you ~ and many more. Such a cute celebration; cake and milk champagne! Love,
Aunt Colleen and Uncle Tony