Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Last Saturday, my mom and I headed down to the beach for the day.  We were very worried that the weather would not cooperate with us, but luckily, it turned into a beautiful day!  We layed out on the beach for a good while.  While on the beach, we noticed a crowd growing and of course me being as nosey as I can possibly be, got up to see what was going on.  By the time I got over there, the crowd had moved on. What were they looking at?  A turtle.  A pretty big turtle.  I was quite excited!  I started taking pictures.  Then I made the comment: "I've never seen a sea turtle before. I'm not sure that this is a sea turtle." Then the owner came up and said he was not a sea turtle but a ????? turtle.  So I was embarrassed that I took a picture of someone's pet. So I texted Brendan a picture of my "Sea Turtle" because I thought he would be like whoa, that's so cool. BUT he never got the txt.  Oh! And I failed to mention, this past weekend was Bike Week at the beach. TRAFFIC was horrendous!  I am a beach bunny for sure.  Ideally, I would love to live closer to the ocean! I grew up going to the beach almost every weekend and in high school, it was nothing to just pick up and go to the beach for the day.  Here in Columbia, you can't really do that.  3 hours from the beach versus 1 hour, ya know?  I hope everyone had a safe and wonderful Memorial Day Weekend!