Friday, June 4, 2010

Summer Project: Step 1 and 2 out of a million

I say summer project in hopes that it will be completed by the end of the summer. Otherwise, we will not be having company over at our house for a long while! Brendan has said for a while that our kitchen needed some work and I totally agree. The flooring and countertops are outdated.  Not to mention..umm ugly. We have many projects we want to get accomplished around the house but we really wanted to get the kitchen done before thinking of little Talts.  :)  Last weekend, Brendan took all of the cabinets down and I got to work sanding them. Yes, you read correctly. I sanded.  I sanded and sanded and sanded.  Brendan was sure to get a picture because he wanted to catch me in action actually doing some labor.  He seems to think this is going to be a project that I'm going to bail out on with the labor.  I am a prissy girl but I do think I will help out!  :)  We want to complete the priming this weekend.  We shall see. Oh! Also, our island from the kitchen is currently in the center of the garage where it has been sanded (thanks to me also) and primed (B did that part).  BUT now that I am thinking about it...I think Brendan likes to take on tasks by himself and doesn't want my help.  Example:  I changed my mind about our guest bathroom being grey ( uck, what was I ever thinking?!) and I wanted to change it to a aqua blue color.  He did not allow me to paint it...he did it all.  So if you read back on here that he has done all of the work to our kitchen, it's because HE wanted to do it all.

Bye Bye Cabinets.
Brendan hard at work. Sorry for the blur.

...and Jenn hard at work.