Thursday, January 6, 2011

Alas, a NAME!

Brendan and I have been making a list of names that we liked since BEFORE we were even pregnant.  It was very frustrating because every name I liked- he didn’t and every name he liked- I didn’t. So our list was SHORT.  After book, after book, after book- I kid you not, at LEAST 6 books of looking at names/meanings we have finally come to a name.  And do you know, after looking in all of those books, the name we chose was not one that we discovered via the books. We had this name listed PRE baby- PRE pregnancy really!  When we got pregnant, Brendan said “you know that name is not set in stone” which I was a little disappointed in because I loved the name!
Once we found out we were expecting a BOY, the name list was narrowed down.  We had every intention of keeping it a secret until Baby was born because a name I liked once was ripped apart by some folks and I was a little heart broken by it. However, now that we ARE expecting a little BOY, we are not budging on his name. We LOVE the name that we have chosen and see no reason to keep it in when we could get things monogrammed and cute-sified. Smile I create words, ya know this right?
So we had 2 names- the one we originally picked and then one other name.  We couldn’t decide. Because A) I wanted the original name we picked and B) Brendan wanted the other name.  Brendan came up with the idea to include our parents which I was hesitant at first but then I really just wanted our kid to have name already. I had already been calling him by his name. – The name I wanted.  So Brendan’s parents voted, my mom voted, and we voted and the outcome  is:

Colin Michael

I love it! We love it!  Michael is after Colin’s dad. Smile  Brendan’s middle name is the same.  Colin we loved! It’s an Irish name.  Neither one of us know a Colin which was my BIG thing- no crazily common names like JENNIFER.  geez!, I bet I know 20 Jennifer’s.
Our son has a name! Luckily, it IS the name I've been calling him! We are excited to share it with everyone.  It will only change if all of a sudden Colin becomes crazy popular. I’ve never taught a Colin though!


Brandon and Emily said...

Love the name! Looks like you guys had a great Christmas!!