Sunday, January 23, 2011

better late than never

This was Colin at 19 weeks 2 days. We are now in the 25th week and will get a new picture of our little man on Wednesday. This was taken when we found out we were expecting a baby BOY! I am excited to see how much our little guy has grown!  We love getting ultrasounds but I am afraid Wednesday's will be the last one which is sad. So sad.  I want the 3d pics but I just don't think I can justify the cost of them. I'd much rather pay to have amazing pics when he makes his arrival.  Which if you look to the right, Collin M. Smith is who I really want to use.  I have his blog posted as a favorite.  They take the cutest baby pics.  No news on Friday about a house but come tomorrow we should definitely hear something.  Please say a prayer that we recieve good news.