Sunday, March 14, 2010

It's that time again.....

That's right! Girl Scout Cookie time!!! Those little Brownies get me every time! I love those over priced, delicious cookies! If you know me, then you know my insane love of peanut butter so I always set my sites on "Peanut Butter Patties" or "Tagalongs". Depending on which Cookie Company makes them is how they are named, but they are the same thing. Is it sad that I know this kind of information on cookies? Anywho, I'm currently out of my Tagalongs and want/need more. Luckily, the Brownies along with their moms are standing out front of Wal Marts selling their cookies. My excuse is that they don't sell these cookies year round, so you better get them while you can. That's a pretty valid excuse right? :)


The Talty's said...

I absolutely agree...that's why this family has already purchased 4 boxes :) We always have our sights on the carmel delights and thin mints though. better believe i'll be back to walmart for more!

Anonymous said...

Our (well, Uncle Tony's) cookies showed up just after the start of Lent. What did I give up for Lent? Cookies!!!!!!! Uuuuggghhh! Oh well, in reality, a very small sacrifice. Aunt Colleen